(1) Penalties for each violation of this Chapter may be imposed to the full extent allowed by the Home Rule Act, 53 P.S. § 13131. The maximum allowable penalties shall be imposed if the violation is wanton and willful.
(2) Any person who makes or causes to be made any false entry or false statement of fact in any complaint, answer, report, account, record or other document submitted to the wage theft coordinator, or who shall willfully mutilate, alter or by any other means falsify any documentary evidence, may be fined up to two thousand dollars ($2,000).
1368 | Amended, Bill No. 171113 (approved March 6, 2018). |
(1) The City, by and through its officials, boards and commissions, may deny, suspend or revoke any license or permit issued or pending, if, during the 3 year period prior to the date of denial, suspension or revocation, the applicant or licensee admitted guilt or liability or has been found guilty, liable or responsible of committing a violation of this Chapter. 1369
(2) Any license or permit issued by the City, its boards or commissions, may be revoked or suspended if the applicant, licensee or permittee is a person who was subject to a final judgment or other decision for violation of any of the laws set forth in subsection (1) above within 3 years prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, and the judgment was not satisfied within the lawful period for doing same, or the expiration of the period for filing an appeal; or if an appeal is made, the date of the final resolution of that appeal and any subsequent appeal resulting in a final administrative or judicial affirmation of violation of any of the laws set forth in subsection (1) above.
(3) The period of non-issuance, suspension, revocation or non-renewal shall be up to 1 year, based on the severity of the violation, and the licensee or permittee or the person who is the principal of a license or permit shall not again be licensed or permitted in any other manner during such period. 1370
(4) Appeals of license suspensions, revocations or denials pursuant to this Chapter are governed by Section 9-103 of this Title, and any other rules and regulations established by the City, provided, however, that an appeal of a final determination of the wage coordinator pursuant to this Chapter regarding the substance of a wage theft complaint shall be brought pursuant to the requirements of subsection 9-4303(5)(e). 1371
(5) An applicant for a commercial activity license or any other license or permit related to a business enterprise, shall be provided with a copy of this Chapter. All applicants shall certify that the applicant has not been found guilty, liable or responsible, in any judicial or administrative proceeding, of committing or attempting to commit a violation of any of the laws set forth in subsection (1) above within the past three (3) years. This provision shall apply to all persons or entities whose final administrative decision or adjudication or judicial judgment or conviction was entered on or after the effective date of this Chapter, with the exception of judgments that remain unsatisfied as set forth in subsection (2) above.
(6) Application of this Ordinance is subject to applicable state or federal laws.
1369 | Amended, Bill No. 171113 (approved March 6, 2018). |
1370 | Amended, Bill No. 171113 (approved March 6, 2018). |
1371 | Amended, Bill No. 171113 (approved March 6, 2018). |
(1) Employers shall give notice that employees are entitled to file complaints for unpaid wages under this Chapter; that retaliation against employees who file complaints under this Chapter is prohibited and that each employee has the right to file a complaint or bring a civil action if the employer fails to pay all wages earned by the employee. This information shall also be included in any employee handbooks that are distributed to employees.
(2) Employers shall comply with this Section by either (a) supplying each of their employees with a notice in English and in any language that is the first language spoken by at least five percent (5%) of the employer's workforce that contains the information required in subsection (1); or (b) displaying a poster in a conspicuous and accessible place in each establishment where such employees are employed which contains in English and in any language that is the first language spoken by at least five percent (5%) of the employer's workforce, all information required under subsection (1).
(3) The wage theft coordinator shall create and make available to employers posters that contain the information required under subsection (1) for their use in complying with this subsection.
(4) An employer who willfully violates the notice and posting requirements of this Section shall be subject to a civil fine in an amount not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) for each separate offense.