§ 9-4112. Encouragement of More Generous Sick Time Policies; No Effect on More Generous Policies.
   (1)   Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to discourage or prohibit an employer from the adoption or retention of a sick time policy more generous than the one required herein.
   (2)   Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed as diminishing the obligation of an employer to comply with any contract, collective bargaining agreement, employment benefit plan or other agreement providing more generous sick time to an employee than required herein.
   (3)   Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed as diminishing the rights of public employees regarding sick time or use of sick time as provided under Pennsylvania law.
   (4)   Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to require an employer to change existing policies or provide additional paid leave if the employer's existing policy satisfies or exceeds the bill's accrual requirements and meets all other conditions set forth in this Chapter.
§ 9-4113. Other Legal Requirements.
   This Chapter provides minimum requirements pertaining to sick time and shall not be construed to preempt, limit, or otherwise affect the applicability of any other law, regulation, requirement, policy, or standard that provides for greater accrual or use by employees of sick time, whether paid or unpaid, or that extends other protections to employees.
§ 9-4114. Public Outreach and Education.
   (1)   The Agency shall develop and implement a multilingual outreach program to inform employees and employers of the availability of paid sick time and the rights and responsibilities established under this Chapter and the importance to public health of workers staying at home when sick and children being kept at home when sick.
   (2)   The program shall include the distribution of notices and other written materials in English and in other languages throughout the City including to childcare and elder care providers, domestic violence shelters, schools, hospitals, community health centers, and other health care providers.