The following definitions shall apply throughout this Chapter.
(1) Covered employer means any person that directly employs service employees at any covered property or awards or otherwise enters into contracts, including subcontracts, with any contractor for services performed by service employees at any covered property.
(2) Contractor means any person that enters into a service contract with the covered employer, and any subcontractors to such service contract at any tier, who employs service employees at any covered property.
(3) Customary seasonal work means work performed by an employee during only the same approximate part of each calendar year, such as summer or winter.
(4) Service employee means any person employed at any covered property to provide any of the following services pursuant to a service contract or direct employment with a covered employer or successor employer: (a) security; (b) janitorial services; (c) building maintenance; (d) concierge services; (e) door attendant services; (f) food and beverage; (g) hotel service; (h) health care services, and includes registered nurses; (i) services by parking employees, as defined at subsection 9-4701(6); or (j) services by covered airport service employees as defined at subsection 17-107(1)(t)(.1). “Service Employee” does not include a person who is (a) a managerial, supervisory, or confidential employee, including those employees who would so be defined under the Fair Labor Standards Act; (b) a domestic worker as defined in Section 9-4501; or (c) is employed less than 15 hours a week. However, “Service Employee” does include persons who work 15 hours or more per week during customary seasonal work but do not work an annualized average of 15 hours or more per week.
(5) Person means any individual, proprietorship, partnership, joint venture, corporation, limited liability company, trust, association, or other entity that may employ individuals or enter into other contracts.
(6) Service contract means a contract, lease, or concession agreement, including any subcontracts, entered into between a contractor and a covered employer for the furnishing of services performed by service employees at any covered property.
(7) Successorship service contract means a service contract with the covered employer where substantially the same services to be performed by service employees have previously been rendered to the covered employer as part of the same program or at the same covered property under the predecessor service contract that recently has been terminated or has ended, or have previously been rendered by the covered employer’s own employees.
(8) Successor employer means (a) any contractor that has entered into a successorship service contract to provide, in whole or in part, services at a covered property that are substantially similar to those provided by either the covered employer’s direct employees at any time during the previous 90 days or under the predecessor service contract; (b) any person that has purchased or acquired a controlling interest of a covered property where service employees were previously employed by a covered employer or contractor at any time during the 90 days prior to the effective date of the purchase or acquisition; or (c) any covered employer that terminates a service contract and hires service employees as its direct employees to perform services that are substantially similar to the services performed under the service contract of the terminated or ending contractor.
(9) Terminated or ending contractor means a contractor whose service contract at a covered property expires without renewal or whose contract is terminated, or the covered employer itself where services previously rendered by the covered employer’s own service employees is the subject of a successorship service contract or is otherwise transferred to a successor employer.
(10) Covered property means any building, facility, structure or other real property, including a complex comprised of more than one building, of at least 50,000 square feet or containing at least fifty (50) residential dwelling units, whether owned or rented by the occupants thereof, located within the City of Philadelphia, where service employees are employed by a covered employer, contractor or successor employer.
(11) Laid-Off Employee means any service employee who was employed by a covered employer or contractor at any covered property for any of the following services: (a) security; (b) janitorial services; (c) building maintenance; (d) concierge services; or (e) door attendant services, and was employed for six months or more in the 12 months preceding their separation from employment, where such separation occurred after March 1, 2024, and whose separation was due to a closure of the property where the employee was employed and unrelated to any reasons involving employee discipline.
(12) List of Laid-Off Employees means a written notice identifying all laid-off employees from a covered property due to closure. The List of Laid-Off Employees shall include each laid-off employee’s first and last name, occupation title, date of hire, telephone number, mailing address, preferred language and email address, if known. The List of Laid-Off Employees shall also include the name and contact information for the collective bargaining representative of the Laid-Off Employees.
(13) Closure means the partial or complete closing to public access and/or tenant occupancy of any covered property that results in more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total number of employees employed within the categories set forth in subsection (11) at the property during the previous 12-month period qualifying as Laid-Off Employees. The total number of employees employed at the property for purposes of determining when closure occurred shall include both direct employees of the covered employer and those employees employed by a contractor or contractors at the property. Closure does not include complete demolition of the entire property where the laid-off employees previously worked.
(14) Agency means such office as the Mayor shall designate to administer and enforce this Chapter.
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All contractors, covered employers and successor employers who employ service employees, or enter into service contracts to be performed at any covered property shall be subject to the following obligations:
(1) The covered employer shall give not less than 15 calendar days advance notice to a contractor, and any collective bargaining representative of any of the service employees employed by such contractor, that a service contract will be terminated or ended and the name, telephone number and address of the successor employer or employers, if known. The terminated or ending contractor shall, within three (3) days after receipt of such notice, provide to the successor employer, the name, date of hire, preferred language and employment occupation classification of each service employee employed at the covered property by the terminated or ending contractor at the time of receiving said notice.
(2) On the date said service contract ends, the terminating or ending contractor shall update the information previously provided to make it current to the actual termination date.
(3) If the terminated or ending contractor is not notified of the identity of the successor employer, pursuant to the notice required by subsection (1), the terminated or ending contractor shall provide such information to the covered employer within three (3) days of receipt of such notice. The covered employer shall be responsible for providing such information to the successor employer as soon as that successor employer has been selected or identified.
(4) A successor employer shall retain, for a 90-day transition employment period commencing with (a) the onset of the successorship service contract, or (b) the effective date of its purchase or acquisition of a controlling interest of the covered property, or (c) the termination of the terminated or ending contractor, if the covered employer is directly employing service employees at the covered property to perform the services of the terminated or ending contractor, all employees who have been employed at the covered property by the terminated or ending contractor, or its subcontractor, or by the covered employer who sold or transferred its controlling interest in the covered property, for at least 90 days immediately preceding the date the predecessor contract is terminated or effective date of purchase or acquisition of the covered property.
In the event that the successorship service contract is terminated or ended prior to the expiration of the 90-day transition employment period, then any subsequent successor employer shall be bound by the requirements set forth in this subsection to retain, for a new 90-day transition employment period commencing with the termination of the initial successorship service contract, all service employees who have been employed by any one or combination of the terminated or ending contractor at the covered property for at least the 90-day period immediately preceding the date of the most recently terminated or ended service contract.
The successor employer shall hand deliver a written offer of employment to each employee as required by this Section in the employee’s native language or another language in which the employee is fluent. Such offer shall state the time within which the employee must accept such offer but in no case may that time be less than ten days from the date of the offer and in no case may the tenth day occur any later than five days prior to the expiration or termination of the terminated or ending contractor’s service contract or the covered employer’s termination of its direct employees’ employment.
The written offer required by this Section shall be substantially in the form set forth in Section 9-2306 in a language in which each employee is fluent.
(5) If at any time a successor employer determines that fewer employees are required to perform the new service contract than were required by the terminated contractor, the successor employer shall be required to retain employees by seniority based on original dates of hire at the covered property within each job classification.
(6) During such 90-day period, the successor employer shall maintain a preferential hiring list of employees eligible for retention under subsection (4), not retained by the successor employer from which the successor employer shall hire additional employees.
(7) Except as provided under subsection (6) of this Section, during such 90-day period, the successor employer shall not discharge without cause an employee retained pursuant to this Chapter. Cause shall be based only on the performance or conduct of the particular employee.
(8) At the end of the 90-day transition employment period, the successor employer shall perform a written performance evaluation for each employee retained pursuant to this Section. If such employee’s performance during such 90-day transition period is satisfactory, the successor employer shall offer such employee continued employment under the terms and conditions established by the successor employer.
1207 | Caption and Section amended, Bill No. 240088 (approved May 1, 2024). |
(1) A covered employer shall provide service employees who work at the property to provide security, janitorial services, building maintenance, concierge services, or door attendant services, and the collective bargaining representative of any such employees, a sixty (60) day advance written notice of the effective date of a closure of the property where the employees are employed and the list of laid-off employees. If the covered employer receives less than 60 days’ notice of the closure, it must provide the required notice and list of laid-off employees to employees and their collective bargaining representative as soon as practicably possible after it learns of the closure. A copy of the notice of closure and list of laid-off employees shall be promptly provided to the Agency, in the manner and form prescribed by the Agency.
(2) In the event of sale or transfer of the property where closure occurred and after the date of separation of the laid-off employees from the property, the covered employer selling the property shall provide a copy of the written notice and the list of laid-off employees provided under Subsection (1) to the purchaser(s) of the property. Any purchaser of a property where closure occurred that does not receive a list of laid-off employees shall contact the Agency to request a copy of the list. Any purchaser of the property shall maintain the written notice of closure and list of laid-off employees and shall be subject to the same duty to furnish the notice of closure and list of laid-off employees to any successor owner in the event of a subsequent sale or transfer of the property until such time that the laid-off employees’ right of recall under this section is satisfied.
(3) A covered employer, contractor or successor employer that intends to hire employees due to the re-opening of any part of the property previously closed and where any laid-off employee had previously been employed shall offer each laid-off employee any job position that becomes available at the property for which the laid-off employee is qualified. The offer shall be made in a manner in which the employer entity typically customarily communicates with employees, including e-mail, text message, other electronic communication, and/or postal mail, to the extent that such communications system permits laid-off employees to confirm receipt of the offer and permits covered employers to demonstrate the receipt has been confirmed.
(4) A laid-off employee is qualified for a position if the laid-off employee:
(a) held the same or similar position at the property at the time of the laid-off employee’s most recent separation from service with the covered employer or contractor with whom the laid-off employee was employed at the time of separation; or
(b) is qualified for the position with the same training by the covered employer, contractor or successor employer that would be provided to a new employee hired into that position.
(5) The covered employer, contractor or successor employer shall offer positions to laid-off employees who qualify under subsection (4)(a) of this Section and then to Employees who qualify under subsection (4)(b). Where more than one laid-off employee is entitled to the offer of a position at the same time, the covered employer, contractor or successor employer shall offer the position to the laid-off employee with the earliest date of hire at the property according to the list of laid-off employees.
(6) A laid-off employee who is offered a position pursuant to this section shall be given no less than 5 days from confirmed receipt of the offer in which to accept or decline the offer. A laid-off employee may accept an offer at any time before the end of the 5-day period. A laid-off employee, upon accepting an offer, will have fourteen (14) days from the expiration of the initial 5-day period to return, unless a different period is mutually agreed upon by the covered employer, contractor or successor employer and laid-off employee.
(7) A covered employer, contractor or successor employer that hires someone other than a laid-off employee on the grounds of lack of qualifications shall provide the laid-off employee a written notice within 30 days identifying those hired in lieu of such laid-off employee’s recall and providing the reasons for such decisions.
(8) The right of recall for any laid-off employee provided under this Section shall expire on the date five years after the laid-off employee’s most recent date of employment at the property.
1208 | Added, Bill No. 240088 (approved May 1, 2024). |
(1) Agency Enforcement.
(a) An employee or other person may file a complaint with the Agency for any violation of this Chapter. The Agency may also conduct an investigation on its own initiative.
(b) The Agency should maintain as confidential the identity of any complainant unless disclosure of such complainant’s identity is necessary for resolution of any investigation by the Agency, or otherwise required by law. The Agency should, to the extent practicable, notify such complainant that the Agency will be disclosing his or her identity prior to such disclosure.
(c) Upon receiving a complaint alleging a violation of this Chapter, or upon its own initiative, the Agency is authorized to investigate alleged violations of this Chapter. The Agency has the power to subpoena records and testimony from any party to a complaint. Such records shall be provided to the Agency within thirty (30) days after receipt of the subpoena.
(d) The Agency should keep complainants reasonably notified regarding the status of their complaint and any resulting investigation and to notify complainants of any final decision of the Agency, including any mediation result, with respect to the complaint.
(e) Whenever the Agency finds that a violation of this Chapter has occurred, it is authorized to issue to the offending employer a notice of violation and may seek to resolve violations by mediation.
(f) The Agency shall have the power to provide or obtain appropriate relief. Available remedies include instatement, reinstatement, restoration of hours, other injunctive relief, back pay and benefits, any other damages suffered as a result of the employer’s violation of this Chapter, and reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.
(2) Civil Enforcement.
(a) The Agency or an employee displaced or terminated or denied recall in violation of this Chapter may bring an action in a Court of competent jurisdiction against the covered employer, the terminated or ending contractor and/or the successor employer, jointly or severally, for violations of any obligations imposed under this Chapter and shall be awarded:
(.1) back pay, including the value of benefits, for each day during which the violation continues, which shall be calculated at a rate of compensation not less than the higher of:
(.a) the average regular rate of pay received by the employee, during the last year of the employee’s employment in the same job classification times average hours worked per work day over the past four months; or
(.b) the final regular rate of pay received by the employee at the time of termination times the average hours worked per work day over the past four months; and
(.2) instatement or reinstatement to the employee’s former position at no less than the last wage rate, with benefits and hours worked per work day, that the employee received.
(b) If the employee is the prevailing party in any such legal action, the Court shall award reasonable attorney's fees and costs to the employee as part of the costs recoverable.
(3) This Section shall not be construed to limit an employee’s right to bring common law cause of action for wrongful termination.
(4) Each day a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation.
(5) Any covered employer or contractor or successor employer who knowingly violates this Chapter shall pay penalties per employee per day of violation of fifty dollars ($50) to one hundred dollars ($100).
1208.1 | Renumbered and amended, Bill No. 240088 (approved May 1, 2024). |
The Agency is authorized to coordinate the implementation, administration, and enforcement of this Chapter, and shall promulgate such regulations or guidelines as it may deem necessary for such purposes.
1208.2 | Added, Bill No. 240088 (approved May 1, 2024). Enrolled bill numbered this as Section 9-2405; renumbered by Code editor. |
(1) English Language Notice.
TO: (name of employee)
We have received information that you are employed by (name of terminated or ending contractor) and are currently performing work at (address of covered property). (Name of terminated or ending contractor) has lost its contract with the owners of (address of covered property) and will no longer be providing (security or janitorial or building maintenance or food and beverage or hotel or covered airport services or covered parking services or health care) services as of (last day of terminated or ending contract).
We are (name of successor employer) and have been hired by the owners of (address of covered property) to provide the same (security or janitorial or building maintenance or concierge services or door attendant services or food and beverage or hotel or covered airport services or covered parking services, or health care) service. We are offering you a job with us for a 90-day probationary period starting (first day of successorship contract) to perform the same type of work that you have already been doing for (name of terminated or ending contractor) under the following terms:
Payrate (per hour): $ _____
Hours per shift: _____
Total Hours Per Week: _____
Benefits: _____
You must respond to this offer within the next ten days. If you want to continue working at (address of covered property) you must let us know by (mm/dd/yyyy - no later than 5 days prior to the expiration of the terminated or ending contract or 10 days after the date of this letter if the predecessor contract has already expired). If we do not receive your response by the end of business that day, we will not hire you and you will lose your job. We can be reached at (successor contractor phone number).
The Protection of Displaced Contract Workers Ordinance, Chapter 9-2300 of The Philadelphia Code gives you the following rights:
1. You have the right, with certain exceptions, to be hired by our company for the first 90 days that we begin to provide services at (address of worksite).
2. During this 90 day period, you cannot be fired without just cause.
3. If you believe that you have been fired or laid off in violation of this Ordinance, you have the right to sue us and be awarded back pay, attorneys fees and court costs.
FROM: (Name of successor contractor)
(Address of successor contractor)
(Telephone # of successor contractor)
(2) Spanish Language Notice.
PARA: (nombre del trabajador)
Hemos recibido información que usted está empleado por (nombre del empleador anterior) y que actualmente está trabajando en (dirección del lugar de empleo). (Nombre del empleador anterior) ha terminado el termino de su contrato con los dueños de (dirección del lugar de empleo) y no proveerá más (servicios de seguridad o de limpieza o mantenimiento de edificio o servicios de conserjeria o servicios de portero o de comida y bebida o servicios de estacionamiento o de servicios de aeropuerto, servicios a hoteles o servicios de salud) servicios desde el (el último dia de contrato de la compañia anterior).
Somos (nombre del nuevo empleador) y hemos sido contratados por los dueños de (dirección del lugar de trabajo) para proveer el mismo (seguridad o de limpieza o mantenimiento de edificio o servicios de conserjeria o servicios de portero o de comida y bebida o servicios de estacionamiento o de servicios de aeropuerto, servicio de hoteles o servicios de salud) servicio. Le estamos ofreciendo un empleo con nosotros con 90 dias de periodo probatorio comenzando el (primer dia de contrato de la compañia nueva) desempeñando el mismo tipo de trabajo que ha estado haciendo para (nombre de la compañia anterior) bajo los siguiente tèrminos:
Salario (por hora): $ _____
Horas por dias: _____
Total de horas por semana: _____
Beneficios: _____
Usted deberá de contestar nuestra oferta entre los próximos diez dias. Si usted quiere continuar trabajando en (dirección del lugar de trabajo) deberá de dejárnoslo saber no más tardar del (mes/dia/año) - a no más tardar de 5 dias antes de la expiración del contrato de la compañia anterior o 10 dias después de haber recibido esta carta si el contrato de la compañia anterior ya está expirado). Si no recibimos su contestación ese dia al terminar el dia laboral no le contrataremos y usted perderá su empleo. Puede comunicarse con nosotros (numero telefónico de la compañia nueva).
La Ordenanza de Protección para Trabajadores Desempleados bajo Contrato, Capitulo 9-2300 del Código de Filadelfia le da los siguientes derechos:
1. Usted tiene el derecho, con ciertas excepciones, de ser contratado por nuestra compañia por los primeros 90 dias en que comencemos a dar servicios en (dirección del lugar de empleo).
2. Durante este periodo de 90 dias usted no puede ser despedido sin causa.
3. Si usted cree que ha sido despedido o le han dado de baja en violación a esta Ordenanza usted tiene el derecho de demandarnos y recibir su salario, honorarios de abogado y costo de corte.
DE: (Nombre de la Compañia nueva bajo contrato)
(Dirección de la Compañia nueva bajo contrato)
(Teléfono # de la Compañia nueva bajo contrato)
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