1.   Definitions. For purposes of this Section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
      Building Manifest. A document that lists the name of every Resident, the phone number of every Resident, the date the document was most recently updated, and identifies special needs that a Resident believes would help Responders assist the Resident in an emergency situation, as voluntarily identified for a building manager.
      Department. The Department of Licenses and Inspections.
      High-rise building. Structures that meet the definition of High-Rise Building pursuant to Section B-202 of the Philadelphia Building Code and contain a Household Living use pursuant to subsection 14-601(2)(a) of the Philadelphia Zoning Code.
      Mid-rise building. A residential building that has an active housing rental license with the Department for at least 25 residential units, but does not meet the standard of a High-rise building.
      Resident. A person that resides in a High-rise building or a Mid-rise building.
      Responder. A person designated or trained to respond to an emergency, including but not limited to, officials in the Office of Emergency Management.
   2.   Creation and Maintenance of a Building Manifest Required. The manager of a High-rise building or a Mid-rise building shall create and maintain an up-to-date Building Manifest.
      a.   A Building Manifest shall be considered up-to-date if it has been updated within the past 12 months.
   3.   Building Manifest Required to Be Kept On-Site. The manager of a High-rise building or a Mid-rise building shall keep an up-to-date Building Manifest on-site, in hard-copy form, for the purpose of providing the Building Manifest to Responders in the event of an emergency.
   4.   Enforcement.
      a.   For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this Section, notices of violation shall be issued by authorized Department inspectors or any other persons authorized to enforce ordinances. Such notices of violation shall be issued under the procedures set forth in Section 1-112, except that the amount required to be remitted in response to a notice of violation shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150).



   Added, Bill No. 200116 (approved July 13, 2020), effective July 13, 2021.