P-708.1 Cleanouts required. Cleanouts shall be provided for drainage piping in accordance with Sections 708.1.1 through 708.1.11. A cleanout shall be provided at or near the base of each vertical waste or soil stack.
P-708.1.1 Horizontal drains and building drains. Horizontal drainage pipes and building drains shall have cleanouts located at intervals of not more than 100 50 feet (30 480 15 240 mm) for lines four inch in diameter or less. Building Horizontal drainage pipes and building drains shall have cleanouts located at intervals of not more than 100 feet (30 480 mm) for lines five inch in diameter and above. except where manholes are used instead of cleanouts, the manholes shall be located at intervals of not more than 400 200 feet (122 61 m). The interval length shall be measured from the cleanout or manhole opening, along the developed length of the piping to the next drainage fitting providing access for cleaning, the end of the horizontal drain or the end of the building drain.
Exception: Horizontal fixture drain piping serving a nonremovable trap shall not be required to have a cleanout for the section of piping between the trap and the vent connection for such trap.
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P-708.1.10 Cleanout access. Required cleanouts shall not be installed in concealed locations. For the purposes of this section, concealed locations include, but are not limited to, the inside of plenums, within walls, within floor/ceiling assemblies, below grade and in crawl spaces where the height from the crawl space floor to the nearest obstruction along the path from the crawl space opening to the cleanout location is less than 24 inches (610 mm). Cleanouts with openings at a finished wall shall have the face of the opening located within 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) of the finished wall surface. Cleanouts located below grade shall be extended to grade level so that the top of the cleanout plug is at or above grade. A cleanout installed in a floor or walkway that will not have a trim cover installed shall have a countersunk plug installed so the top surface of the plug is flush with the finished surface of the floor or walkway.
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P-708.1.10.2 Floor cleanout assemblies. Where it is necessary to protect a cleanout plug from the loads of vehicular traffic, cleanout assemblies in accordance with ASME A112.36.2M shall be installed. Note: An adjustable repair coupling shall be permitted to connect underground piping to a cleanout.
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   Amended, Bill No. 230653 (approved December 20, 2023), effective April 1, 2024.