Delete Sections 507.5 (Retain Sections 507.5.1 through 507.5.6) and replace as follows:
F-507.5 Fire hydrant systems. Fire hydrant systems shall comply with Sections 507.5.1 through F-507.5.8.
Delete Section 507.5.1.1 and replace as follows:
      F-507.5.1.1 Number and location of private fire hydrants. Where private fire hydrants are required by this Chapter, one fire hydrant is required for the first 50,000 square feet (4650 m 2) or fraction thereof of the gross floor area at grade (footprint) of a building, plus one fire hydrant for each additional 50,000 square feet (4650 m 2) or fraction thereof of gross floor area at grade. Where a property has multiple buildings requiring fire hydrants, one fire hydrant is sufficient for that group of buildings provided that each exterior point of a building is within 400 feet (122 m) of a fire hydrant. The exact location of the fire hydrants shall be specified by the fire department after survey of the site or review of building plans to determine the most advantageous locations for fire fighting.
      F-507.5.1.2 Water main size. Newly installed water mains that supply private fire hydrants shall not be less than 6 inches (152 mm) in diameter.
      F-507.5.1.3 Flow and pressure requirements. Private fire service mains shall provide a minimum flow of 600 gallons per minute (2271 l/min) at a minimum residual pressure of 20 pounds per square inch (138 kPa).
      F-507.5.1.4 Type of private fire hydrants. Newly installed private fire hydrants shall be Philadelphia standard fire hydrants as specified by the Philadelphia Water Department. Existing private fire hydrants are acceptable provided the outlets and operating stems are the same as those on a Philadelphia standard fire hydrant. Existing pentagonal (5 sided) operating stems corresponding in dimensions to fire department fire hydrant wrenches are also acceptable.
      F-507.5.1.5 Color coding of private fire hydrants. To assist the fire department in quickly locating private fire hydrants during a fire emergency and in identifying those connected to non-potable (untreated) water supplies, the fire hydrants shall be color coded consistent with the Water Department's color coding of municipal fire hydrants in accordance with Sections 507. and 507.
      F-507. Fire hydrants connected to potable water supplies. Private fire hydrants connected to potable water supplies shall be painted orange, with the bonnet (top portion) color coded to identify the diameter of the water main feeding the fire hydrant as follows:
            1.   Bonnets shall be painted orange for fire hydrants connected to water mains 8 inches (203 mm) or smaller in diameter.
            2.   Bonnets shall be painted green for fire hydrants connected to water mains 10 inches (254 mm) to 14 inches (356 mm) in diameter.
            3.   Bonnets shall be painted red for fire hydrants connected to water mains 16 inches (406 mm) or larger in diameter.
      F-507. Fire hydrants connected to non-potable water supplies. Private fire hydrants connected to non-potable water supplies shall be painted entirely red.
Add Section F-507.5.7 as follows:
   F-507.5.7 Fire apparatus access to private fire hydrants. Private fire hydrants shall be located within 3 feet (914 mm) of a hard, all-weather surface, at least 12 feet (3657 mm) wide, capable of supporting the weight of a fire department pumper as determined by the fire department. A clearance of at least 20 feet (6096 mm) on each side of the fire hydrant shall be maintained along the hard, all-weather surface adjoining the fire hydrant.
Add Section F-507.5.8 as follows:
   F-507.5.8 Fire apparatus access to public fire hydrants. A clearance shall be maintained along public streets of 20 feet (6096 mm) on each side of public fire hydrants and vertically to a height of 13 feet, 6 inches (4115 mm).