§ 10-109. Penalties.  308
   A violation of any of the foregoing sections of this article shall be punishable by a fine of up to the maximum of the City's authority to establish fines by statute, and if the violator is an officer or employee of the City, ineligibility for any office or position under the City for up to one year or, in the case of egregious conduct, by removal from office or immediate dismissal.
   Sources:   See Act of April 21, 1949, P.L. 665, Section 17.
   Purposes:   The maximum penalties that can be imposed under the enabling legislation (see Act of April 21, 1949, P.L. 665, Section 17) are made applicable in cases of violation of Sections 10-100 to 10-108 inclusive because of the gravity of such offenses. In addition, if a violator is an elective or appointive officer of the City, he is to be immediately dismissed from his position and in certain instances he becomes ineligible for appointment to or employment in any City position. See Sections 10-107 and 10-108.



   Amended by approval of the voters at the election held on June 2, 2020, and certified on June 22, 2020. See Bill No. 200015 (approved February 26, 2020); Resolution No. 200056 (adopted February 13, 2020).