§ 9-104. Disqualification for Office.  294
   No person who has been removed from an elective office by a recall election or who has resigned from such an office after a recall petition directed to the person has been filed, shall be eligible for election or appointment to any office of the City within two years after removal or resignation.
   Sources:   Charter of the City of Los Angeles (Annot. Ed. 1948) Section 294.
   Purposes:   Recall from office presupposes a failure to sustain the confidence of the electorate. Hence, reasonable limitations are imposed against an official removed as a result of a recall proceeding whether by a recall election or resignation, from being eligible for other City elective or appointive offices for a two-year period.



   Amended by approval of the voters at the election held on May 17, 2022, and certified on June 6, 2022. See Bill No. 220001 (approved February 25, 2022); Resolution No. 220009 (adopted February 24, 2022).