§ 8-600. Language Access Plans. 289
   (1)   Every office, department, board and commission, including but not limited to the Council and the former county offices and bodies, ("all agencies") shall:
      (a)   prepare a plan to promote access to City services, compliance with City law and ease of contact with, and participation within, government in the City for people with limited English proficiency ("language access plans") in accordance with any generally applicable language access policy established by the Mayor;
      (b)   implement such plan;
      (c)   provide an annual report regarding the status of implementation of such plan to the Office of Immigrant Affairs ("OIA"), which shall provide all such reports to the Council.
   (2)   The OIA shall:
      (a)   assist all agencies with the preparation of their language access plans and annual reports;
      (b)   upon acceptance of a final report, file the report with the Department of Records, which shall make such report available to the public; and
      (c)   evaluate all agencies' compliance with their language access plans and all applicable policies and laws, including state and federal law, regarding access to government by individuals with limited English proficiency. All agencies shall cooperate with OIA in connection with the OIA's evaluation of the agency's compliance with its language access plan.



   Amended by approval of the voters at the election held on May 21, 2019, and certified on June 10, 2019. See Bill No. 190007 (approved Feb 27, 2019); Resolution No. 190028 (adopted February 14, 2019). See Charter subsection A-200(16) for effective date.