§ 8-108. Indemnification and Defense of Registered Community Organizations.  260.1
   The City shall provide for the defense and indemnification of any registered community organization that is in compliance with the Philadelphia Zoning Code and applicable regulations, in connection with any claim brought against such an organization arising directly out of the organization’s lawful participation in the City’s zoning variance process. The Law Department is authorized to adopt regulations to implement this section, including to establish indemnity limits, rules for addressing double indemnity, providing for the purchase of insurance through a grant or similar program, and other measures to protect the best interests of the City.



   Added by approval of the voters at the election held on April 23, 2024, and certified on May 13, 2024. See Bill No. 230740 (became law December 14, 2023); Resolution No. 230750 (adopted November 30, 2023). See Charter subsection A-200(27) for effective date.