§ 8-107. Compensation for Extra Services.
   No additional compensation for extra services shall be paid to any officers or employees unless such payment is expressly authorized in the case of civil service employees by the pay plan and in all other instances by the Administrative Board prior to the rendering of such services and such authorization is certified to the City Controller.
   Sources:   The Administrative Code of 1929, Act of April 9, 1929, P.L. 177, Section 215.
   Purposes:   Additional compensation for extra services has been known to be resorted to at times to increase the compensation of officers and employees when in fact there is no need for extra services. To prevent such abuses, additional compensation must be authorized by the pay plan in the case of civil service employees and in all other cases by the Administrative Board before the services are rendered. Authorization must be certified to the City Controller as a further check. See Annotation to Section 4-300(1)(d).