§ 5-1001. Definitions.
   In this Chapter:
   (a)   "License" shall mean any license or permit required by statute, ordinance or regulation to be obtained from any officer, department, board or commission as a prerequisite to engaging in any activity or having possession of or using any property but shall not include the right to admission to any facility in any park or under the jurisdiction of the Department of Parks and Recreation. 217
   (b)   "Inspection" shall mean any inspection, test or examination to which any person is subject as an applicant for or a holder of a license or to which any property is subject under any statute, ordinance or regulation which it is the duty of the Mayor or of any other officer or of any department, board or commission to enforce.
   Sources:   No specific source.
   Purposes:   "License" is defined in the broadest sense of a grant of permission required from the City by private persons engaging in activities or using property subject to regulations by statute or ordinance. It is not intended to include what is normally regarded as a ticket of admission to any facility.
      "Inspection" is defined in the broadest possible sense of the examination or testing of property or the conduct of activities subject to regulation by statute or ordinance or to licensing. Thus, it is intended to include the inspection of means used for the storage of gasoline, the construction and operation of slaughter houses, or the operation of restaurants. It is intended to cover any examination which the operator of a motion picture projector might have to take to show that he is qualified to operate such a machine safely. On the other hand, "inspection" is not intended to cover the testing of materials or supplies purchased by the City to determine if they conform with specifications, nor does it include civil service examinations.



   Amended by approval of the voters at the election held on November 4, 2008, and certified on November 28, 2008. See Bill No. 080169 (approved August 4, 2008); Resolution No. 080181 (adopted June 19, 2008).