§ 5-303. Boards of Trustees of City Hospitals.
   The board of trustees of each City hospital shall have direction and control of its management. Each board shall select a hospital director or superintendent who shall, subject to the authority of the board, administer the hospital in all its departments. On nomination by the director or superintendent, each such board shall from time to time appoint such assistants and employees as may be necessary.
   Sources:   The Administrative Code of 1929, Act of April 9, 1929, P.L. 177, Section 2318, as amended.
   Purposes:   Private hospital management through boards of trustees has shown a pattern of successful and efficient hospital operation and administration expected to be achieved in City hospitals by vesting their direct management in boards of trustees. General municipal control and the effectuation of over-all City policies are assured by attaching such boards to the Department of Public Health and by the vesting of general supervisory powers in the Department. See Section 5-300. Boards of trustees will be responsible for the day to day operation of City hospitals. Satisfactory hospital conditions, adequate facilities, proper care of patients, proper staffing of hospitals, and like matters are made the direct responsibility of the boards of trustees. The boards will determine such immediate policy questions and administrators selected by the boards will be responsible for executing policy determinations.