§ 4-2401. Powers and Duties.
   The Office of the Victim Advocate shall have the power and its duty shall be to perform the following functions:
   (a)   Act as an advocate for crime victims and co-victims. Such advocacy may pertain not only to broader issues of law, policy, practice, and resources, but also to individual judicial, administrative and investigative matters, as necessary and prudent. The Office shall develop a particular expertise and focus on gun violence, given its pervasive and devastating effects on Philadelphians;
   (b)   Facilitate coordination and planning among governmental and non-governmental entities that serve or otherwise interact with crime victims and co-victims;
   (c)   Provide training and technical assistance to enhance the work of governmental and non-governmental entities that serve or otherwise interact with crime victims and co-victims;
   (d)   Ensure that crime victims are notified of their rights and that such rights are vindicated;
   (e)   Serve as a liaison between the victim and co-victim community and City government;
   (f)   Educate the public regarding issues affecting crime victims and co-victims;
   (g)   Review relevant annual audits by the City Controller, as required by Section 6-400, and as it deems necessary request that the Controller audit relevant contracts;
   (h)   Investigate complaints regarding the interactions with victims and co-victims by government and government-funded agencies;
   (i)   Examine issues of general importance to crime victims and co-victims and publish findings and recommendations;
   (j)   Formulate and advocate for policy recommendations within City government;
   (k)   Convene an advisory board composed of community representatives, practitioners, experts, and other stakeholders;
   (l)   Take such action as is necessary to fully realize the powers and duties specified above.