§ 4-609. Philadelphia Community Reinvestment Commission. 166
   (a)   The Philadelphia Community Reinvestment Commission shall develop and make recommendations to the Mayor and the Council concerning coordinated community reinvestment strategies for the City of Philadelphia. Such strategies shall identify opportunities for private, public, and philanthropic entities to collaborate and leverage their resources for the public good. To that end, the Commission shall regularly review best practices and develop strategies to apply and enhance those practices for the benefit of the City and its residents. To execute its mission, the Commission is authorized to establish committees comprised of members of the Commission and others selected by the Commission because of their expertise.
   (b)   The Commission shall provide an annual report summarizing its activities and accomplishments to the Mayor and the Chief Clerk of Council no later than September 1 of each year, beginning with the year 2018.
   (c)   The Commission shall perform such other duties, consistent with the mission of the Commission, as are conferred upon it by this Charter or by ordinance.



   Added by approval of the voters at the election held on May 16, 2017, and certified on June 6, 2017. See Bill No. 160895-A (approved March 13, 2017); Resolution No. 170190 (adopted March 9, 2017). See Charter subsection A-200(15) for effective date.