§ 4-603. Division of Housing and Community Development. 160
   The Division shall have the power and its duty shall be as follows:
   (a)   Policies and Program. The Division shall be responsible for the development of housing and community development policies and programs, and for making recommendations concerning such policies and programs.
   (b)   Strategic Housing Plan. The Division shall be responsible for the regular development of a multi-year strategic housing plan for the City that includes recommendations for maintaining and increasing affordable housing, workforce housing and market-rate housing. The Division shall consult with and seek advice from the Housing Advisory Board in its preparation of such plans. It shall deliver such plans and recommendations to the Mayor, the Council and non-City housing agencies serving the City.
   (c)   Grant applications. The Division shall prepare all documents and take all other actions necessary to enable the City to receive any available public and private funds dedicated to housing and community development programs and activities.
   (d)   Program administration. The Division shall administer all City housing and community development programs and activities, and shall oversee the expenditure of all public and private funds received by or appropriated by the City for such programs and activities.
   (e)   The Housing Advisory Board. The Division shall convene and provide administrative support to the Housing Advisory Board.
   (f)   Coordination with other Agencies. The Division shall convene representatives of non-City public agencies involved in housing and community development activities, including the Philadelphia Housing Authority, the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, the Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation and the Philadelphia Land Bank in order to facilitate coordination among the City and such agencies.



   Added by approval of the voters at the election held on November 3, 2015, and certified on November 23, 2015. See Bill No. 140721 (approved June 16, 2015); Resolution No. 140732-A (adopted June 11, 2015). See Charter subsection A-200(14) for effective date. Former Section 4-603 has been renumbered as subsection 4-604(d).