§ 4-104. Cabinet Meetings. 142
   The Mayor shall call the Mayor's Cabinet together periodically for the purpose of receiving reports on the condition of the City and making plans for the better administration of its government and for the progress of the City.
   Sources:   Act of June 25, 1919, P.L. 581, Article II, Section 6.
   Purposes:   The Mayor is empowered to convene his Cabinet for the review and planning of governmental measures and operations. No particular time for cabinet meetings is fixed because meetings at fixed periods might be unnecessary and burdensome.



   Amended by approval of the voters at the election held on May 17, 2022, and certified on June 6, 2022. See Bill No. 220001 (approved February 25, 2022); Resolution No. 220009 (adopted February 24, 2022).