§ 3-920. Philadelphia Community Reinvestment Commission. 132
   (a)   Composition. The Philadelphia Community Reinvestment Commission shall be composed of twenty-one (21) members, selected as follows, provided that Council may from time to time provide by ordinance for a different composition or method of appointment:
      (1)   Twelve (12) members appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of a majority of all the members of the Council. The appointed members shall include at least one representative from each of the following seven categories: Depositories authorized to hold City moneys; community development financial institutions located in Philadelphia; private foundations; educational and/or medical institutions; City-wide community development and/or anti-poverty organizations; City-wide business associations; and labor organizations.
      (2)   Three members appointed by the Council from among its members or their designees;
      (3)   The President of Council or the President's designee; and  133
      (4)   The Director of Finance, the Director of Commerce, the Director of Planning and Development, the City Treasurer, and an administrative officer, designated by the Mayor, who is charged with oversight of anti- poverty and community development issues, or their designees.
   (b)   Terms of Service and Vacancies. Appointed members on the Commission shall serve at the pleasure of their appointing authorities. Vacancies among the appointed positions shall be filled by the appointing authority who originally appointed the member whose seat has become vacant.
   (c)   Compensation. Members of the Commission shall not be compensated for their service.



   Added by approval of the voters at the election held on May 16, 2017, and certified on June 6, 2017. See Bill No. 160895-A (approved March 13, 2017); Resolution No. 170190 (adopted March 9, 2017). See Charter subsection A-200(15) for effective date.
   Amended by approval of the voters at the election held on May 17, 2022, and certified on June 6, 2022. See Bill No. 220001 (approved February 25, 2022); Resolution No. 220009 (adopted February 24, 2022).