§ 3-903. Boards of Trustees of City Institutions.
   The board of trustees of each of the City institutions listed in this section shall be composed of six members appointed on a non-political basis, and the head of the Department with which it is connected.
   This section shall apply to: 118
      Board of Trustees of Philadelphia General Hospital
      Board of Trustees of Philadelphia Hospital for Contagious Diseases
      Board of Trustees of Home for the Indigent
      Boards of Trustees of any additional institutions hereafter established, acquired or operated by the City.
   Of the members first appointed to any such board, three shall be appointed for terms of two years and three for terms of four years. Thereafter all appointments shall be for terms of four years.
   Sources:   The Administrative Code of 1929, Act of April 9, 1929, P.L. 177, Section 401 as amended.
   Purposes:   1.   No particular qualifications are required of appointees to boards of trustees of City institutions but all appointments must be made on a non-political basis. It is anticipated that citizens with a demonstrated interest in institutional welfare and administration will be chosen and that they will be competent to fulfill their trust.
      2.   This section is drawn to cover not only the institutions named, but any new institutions which may be hereafter operated by the City.
      3.   Staggered terms have been provided because sound institutional management should be independent of changes in political administrations.



   Amended by approval of the voters at the election held on November 4, 2014, and certified on November 24, 2014. See Bill No. 140015 (approved May 19, 2014); Resolution No. 140035 (adopted May 8, 2014).