§ 3-810. Commission for Women. 113
   (a)   Composition. The Commission for Women shall be composed of twenty-seven (27) members. The Mayor shall appoint ten (10) members, and each member of Council shall appoint one (1) member, provided that Council may from time to time provide, by ordinance, for a different composition or method of appointment. The members of the Commission shall be representative of the diverse composition of the City, shall have an understanding of or experience with women's issues and shall be residents of the City.
   (b)   Appointments and Terms of Service. Initial Appointments to the Commission shall be made within ninety (90) days after the organization of Council on the first Monday of January, 2016, and Commission members shall serve at the pleasure of their appointing authorities. Members shall serve until their successors have been appointed.
   (c)   Vacancies. Vacancies on the Commission shall be filled within thirty (30) days by the appointing authority who originally appointed the member whose seat has become vacant.
   (d)   Compensation. Members of the Commission shall not be compensated.
   (e)   To assist in the initial organization of the Commission, the Mayor may appoint an interim executive director at any time after January 5, 2016, who shall serve until an executive director is appointed by the Commission. The Mayor shall determine the compensation of the interim executive director.



   Added by approval of the voters at the election held on May 19, 2015, and certified on June 8, 2015. See Bill No. 140230 (approved March 10, 2015); Resolution No. 140244 (adopted February 26, 2015).