§ 3-807. Youth Commission. 110
   The Youth Commission is hereby established.
   (a)   Composition. The Commission shall be composed of twenty-one (21) members, each of whom shall be between the ages of twelve (12) and twenty-three (23) years of age, at the time of appointment. The Commission shall consist of individuals who have an understanding of the needs of young people in the City, or experience with children, youth programs, youth organizations or involvement with school or youth related community activities. The members shall represent the racial, gender, ethnic and cultural diversity of the City and shall be residents of the City.
   (b)   Appointments and Terms of Service. Each member of the Council and the Mayor shall appoint one (1) member to the Commission. The Mayor shall also appoint three (3) additional members from communities underrepresented by the other appointments made, to ensure that the Commission represents the diversity of the City. Commission members shall serve at the pleasure of their appointing authorities. Initial appointments shall be made promptly after the organization of the Council on the first Monday of January, 2008. The first term for all Commission members shall end on March 1, 2009 and thereafter shall be for one (1) year.
   (c)   Removal of Members. Any member whom the Commission certifies to have missed three (3) regularly scheduled meetings of the Commission in any six (6) month period, without prior authorization of the Commission, shall be deemed to have resigned from the Commission effective on the date of the written certification from the Commission.
   (d)   Compensation. Members of the Commission shall not be compensated.
   (e)   Meetings. The Commission shall conduct regular meetings at least once a month at a designated time and place, shall prepare and maintain permanent minutes of the actions taken during its meetings, and shall file copies of such minutes with the chief clerk of the Council.



   Added by approval of the voters at the election held on May 15, 2007, and certified on June 4, 2007. See Bill No. 060581 (approved January 23, 2007); Resolution No. 060596 (adopted December 14, 2006).