§ 2-307. Legislation Affecting Zoning, Physical Development Plan, Land Subdivision, or Authorizing the Purchase or Sale of Real Estate. 20
   The Council shall not enact any bill which shall in any manner affect any zoning ordinance, the Physical Development Plan of the City, plans of streets and revisions of such plans, and land subdivision plans or any bill which would authorize the acquisition or sale of City real estate without first receiving the recommendation thereon through the Mayor of the City Planning Commission. The approval of the Commission shall be presumed unless its recommendations are received within forty-five days from the introduction of any bill affecting plans of streets and revisions of such plans, and land subdivision plans, and within thirty days from the introduction of any other bill subject to this section, except that with respect to any particular bill, the Commission may at any time during such forty-five day or thirty day period, as the case may be, vote to extend its review period for up to an additional forty-five days, in which case the approval of the Commission shall be presumed unless its recommendation is received within such extended review period. It shall be the duty of the chief clerk of the Council to submit any such bill to the City Planning Commission immediately upon its introduction.
   Sources:   No specific source.
   Purposes:   1.   This section is one of a number in the Charter which seeks an orderly method and plan of City development. Legislation on matters affecting City development, such as zoning, street plans, land subdivision, and the acquisition or sale of City real estate, may be enacted only after the Council has received the recommendations thereon of the City Planning Commission unless the Commission fails to submit recommendations within the required time. The Council may then act as it pleases on such legislation. This will tend to prevent hasty and ill advised legislation adversely affecting City development. It will assure that the Council will receive the expert advice of the Commission whose special function is the planning of City development.
      2.   The chief clerk of Council is required to send to the City Planning Commission any bill introduced dealing with the enumerated subject matters so that the Commission will have immediate notice that a matter is pending before the Council on which its recommendations are required.



   Amended by approval of the voters at the election held on May 15, 2007, and certified on June 4, 2007. See Bill No. 060684 (approved January 23, 2007); Resolution No. 060704 (adopted December 14, 2006).