§ 2-304. Code of Ordinances.
   As promptly as possible after the submission to it by the Law Department, as required in this charter, of a proposed codification and revision of the effective general ordinances of the City, the Council shall consider and act upon such a code and revision and after the code has been adopted all measures of general application shall be ordained as amendments of or additions to it. The Council shall cause the code to be published by and distributed through the Procurement Department as other publications of the City are published and distributed. Periodically thereafter the Council shall cause new and up-to-date editions of the code to be similarly published and distributed.
   Sources:   No specific source.
   Purposes:   At present City ordinances are compiled in the order in which they are enacted and annually a volume of the ordinances is published. From time to time an index of City ordinances by annual volumes has been prepared and published by non-City agencies. Under these conditions it is a very difficult task to find ordinances and amendments thereto dealing with a particular subject matter. Yet such ordinances are the basic laws of the City.
      To remedy this condition provision is made for a codification and revision of the effective general ordinances of the City. The Law Department must under Section 4-400(e) prepare within two years after the effective date of the Charter such a comprehensive revision and codification of all the general ordinances still in effect. Council is required to consider and to act upon such a codification and revision. Thereafter all ordinances of general application are to be enacted as amendments to the code. This section follows the better practice prevailing in many municipalities.