For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BANNER. An arrangement of words, lettering or symbols or a decorative device, including a Christmas decoration suspended over any portion of a street or adjacent to a gravel lane.
BUFFER AREA. A portion of a street right-of-way adjacent to a pavement that serves as a physical barrier between street traffic and activity on private property.
CIRCLE DRIVEWAY. A private driveway that enters and leaves private property at two points within the same frontage.
CLEAR VISION AREA. Land acquired or used by the village over a street for the purpose of maintaining unobstructed vision.
COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY. A driveway serving a commercial establishment, industry, governmental or educational institution, hospital, church, apartment building or other large traffic generator.
DIRECTIONAL DRIVEWAY. A driveway designed so that traffic leaving the street is separated from traffic entering the street with some turning movements prohibited.
DIVIDED DRIVEWAY. A driveway designed so that traffic leaving the street is separated from traffic entering the street.
DUAL SERVICE DRIVEWAYS. Two adjacent commercial driveways designed to facilitate traffic movement from a street to a single private property by use of either driveway and a return to the street by use of the other driveway.
FIELD ENTRANCE. A driveway serving a farmyard, cultivated or uncultivated field, timberland or undeveloped land not used for industrial, commercial or residential purposes.
FRONTAGE. A private property line that abuts a street right-of-way.
RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY. A driveway serving a private home.
RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE. A boundary between private property and public land under legal control of the village or another agency having jurisdiction over the street.
UTILITY STRUCTURE DRIVEWAY. A driveway serving a utility structure, such as a pumphouse or substation, which operates automatically and requires only occasional access.
(Ord. 2008-01, passed 5-12-2008)