A driveway permit is subject to the following conditions and limitations.
   (A)   The Department of Public Works reserves the right of inspection by its authorized representatives of a driveway constructed within a street right-of-way. The permittee shall reimburse the Department of Public Works for the services of any on-the-job inspection which may be required.
   (B)   The Department of Public Works or its representatives shall be given at least five days’ notice before commencement of an operation covered by the permit.
   (C)   The permittee shall have a copy of the permit available at the site during construction.
   (D)   The permittee shall take, provide and maintain necessary precautions to prevent injury or damage to persons and property from operations covered by the permit, and shall use warning signs and safety devices which are in accordance with the current Michigan Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
   (E)   The permittee shall surrender the permit and all rights thereunder when notified to do so by the Department of Public Works because of its need for the area covered by the permit or because of default of any provision of the permit. The Department of Public Works may grant the person a new permit.
   (F)   Altered natural drainage shall not be permitted to flow onto the street right-of-way unless special provisions are approved by the Department of Public Works.
   (G)   The permit holder shall remove all surplus materials to an area outside of the street right-of-way, unless the permit provides for disposal at locations within the street right-of-way. Excavated material shall be stockpiled so it does not adversely affect the safety of traffic.
   (H)   Work authorized by the permit shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works on or before the completion date specified in the permit. A request for an extension of time for completion of this work shall include reasons for the request. Approval of extension of time shall be based on extenuating circumstances and absence of neglect by the permittee.
   (I)   The property owner and his, her or its heirs, successors and assigns, or his, her or its agent shall maintain the driveways set forth in the permit.
   (J)   The period applied for and granted in this application and permit covers activity within the right-of-way. Failure of the permit holder to finish work within one year from date of issuance shall cancel this permit.
   (K)   Permit holders must comply with the requirements of Public Act 53 of 1974, as amended (being M.C.L.A. §§ 460.701 to 460.718). They should call Miss Dig at (800) 482-7171 at least three full working days, but not more than 21 calendar days, before they start work.
(Ord. 2008-01, passed 5-12-2008)