General Provisions
94.001 Definitions
94.002 Applicability
94.003 Permits; necessity
94.004 Processing of permits
94.005 Enforcement
Driveway Permits
94.020 Applications
94.021 Plans or drawings
94.022 Specifications and design standards
94.023 Conditions and limitations in permits
94.024 Indemnity and insurance
94.025 Performance bonds
Driveway Standards
94.040 Driveway locations
94.041 Clear vision and buffer areas
94.042 Design features
94.043 Commercial driveways; permits
94.044 Commercial driveways; consolidation
94.045 Commercial driveways; alteration of dimensions
94.046 Commercial driveways; right-turn lanes
94.047 Two-way commercial driveways
94.048 One-way commercial driveways
94.049 Divided commercial driveways
94.050 Dual service driveways
94.051 Directional commercial driveways
94.052 Residential driveways; number and separation
94.053 Residential driveway dimensions
94.054 Field entrances and utility structure driveways
94.055 Surfacing and curbing along curbed streets
94.056 Surfacing and curbing along uncurbed streets
94.057 Surfacing and curbing of field entrances and utility structure driveways
94.058 Surface materials and thickness
94.059 Right-turn lanes and tapers
94.060 Shoulders
94.061 Driveway curb details
94.062 Drainage
94.063 Profile
94.064 Parking and storage
94.065 Traffic signs and markings
Banner and Parade Permits
94.080 Permittees
94.081 Hearing; request; time; notice; effective date of driveway permit revocation
94.082 Hearing representation
94.083 Effective date
94.999 Penalty