Any provision of any of the international, national, or uniform codes adopted by this chapter notwithstanding, there is created a board of building code appeals to hear and determine any appeal from a ruling or action taken by the building inspector in administering the county building codes. The board of building code appeals consists of five (5) persons appointed by the county in accordance with the procedure in the county for appointment of members to boards and commissions. The fire chief shall be an ex officio member of the board but has no vote. The meetings of the board shall be public. The county building inspector shall attend all meetings of the board. Both the building inspector and the person appealing for the ruling or action of the building inspector shall be entitled to present their respective positions to the board. Neither shall participate in the determinations, but may answer questions or provide such information as the board may request. (Ord. 348, 2021: Ord. 220, 2005)
Any provisions of any of the uniform, national, or international codes adopted by this chapter notwithstanding, any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of any section or sections of any of the codes adopted by this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished as provided by law. (Ord. 348, 2021: Ord. 220, 2005)
The 2018 Northern Nevada Amendments to each Code enumerated in Chapter 15.04 is adopted by Pershing County. (Ord. 348, 2021)