A. No later than June 30, 1993, all property owners of residential dwellings (including, but not limited to, private residences, apartment units, condominium units and mobile homes) or commercial buildings located within the unincorporated area of Pershing County shall comply with the provisions of this Chapter by posting address numbers on such residential dwellings or commercial buildings.
B. The property owner shall post such address numbers in compliance with this Chapter. The requirements of this Chapter apply to all buildings owned by the State or other political subdivisions.
C. All buildings built after June 30, 1993, must meet the requirements of this Chapter before the building is occupied. (Ord. 132 §1, 1993)
A. After being assigned an address number by the Planning Department, the property owner shall cause the address to be posted on the structure by means of arabic numerals not less than four inches (4") in height. Such address numbers must be placed on the structure in such a manner that police, fire department and other persons responding to an emergency can readily locate the building.
B. If the address number on the structure is not visible from the nearest public roadway, an address number must be placed on a post at the entrance to the property. The numbers must be placed in such a manner that they cannot be blocked by snow, parked vehicles or other obstructions. (Ord. 132 §1, 1993)