   A.   Adopted: The 2017 edition of the National Electrical Code as adopted by the National Fire Protection Association at its annual meeting is declared to be the latest edition, which is in effect as mandated by Nevada Revised Statutes 278.583.
   B.   Compliance With Statutory Requirements: Nevada Revised Statutes 278.583 states that all construction, alteration or change in the use of a building or structure in this state is to be in compliance with the technical provisions of the latest edition of the National Electrical Code adopted by the National Fire Protection Association.
   C.   Amendments: There are added to the schedule of fees as set out in the National Electrical Code the following fees:
      1.   Residential, agricultural and temporary electric service permits are $50.00.
      2.   Commercial and industrial permits will be included in the cost of the building permit. If there is no building permit, the fee will be based on the valuation of the project.
      3.   Plan review fees, investigative fees and fee refunds shall be as set forth in section 15.04.020 of this chapter.
      4.   Article 55032(a) of the national electrical code is amended to read as follows:
         a.   The service equipment shall be located in an obvious, conspicuous location in sight from and not more than 30 feet from the exterior wall of the mobile/manufactured house it serves on individually owned lots.
         b.    Mobile home parks as defined by NAC 461A shall comply with the 2002 edition of the national electrical code, article 550.
         c.   Article 230.2, services of the national electrical code is amended to read as follows:
      1.   A building or structure shall be supplied by only one service. Each residence on a parcel or lot must have a separate service.
         d.   Article 230.70 of the national electrical code is amended to read as follows: General means shall be provided to disconnect all conductors in a building or other structure from the service entrance conductors. The disconnect shall be an exterior/disconnect installed immediately adjacent to the meter location. The disconnect for manufactured homes, shall be within 30 feet of the home, on a pedestal that is a minimum of 4 feet in height.
(Ord. 348, 2021: Ord. 220, 2005)