15.08.010: Statutory Authorization
15.08.020: Findings Of Fact
15.08.030: Purpose
15.08.040: Methods Of Reducing Flood Losses
15.08.045: Definitions
15.08.050: General Provisions
15.08.055: Applicability
15.08.065: Basis For Establishing Areas Of Special Flood Hazard
15.08.070: Compliance
15.08.075: Abrogation And Greater Restrictions
15.08.080: Interpretation
15.08.085: Warning And Disclaimer Of Liability
15.08.090: Declaration Of Public Nuisance
15.08.095: Abatement Of Violations
15.08.100: Unlawful Acts
15.08.105: Severability
15.08.110: Administration
15.08.115: Development Permit Required
15.08.120: Development Permit; Application, Contents
15.08.130: Local Administrator Designated
15.08.140: Local Administrator; Duties Generally
15.08.150: Permit Application Review
15.08.160: Use Of Other Base Flood Data
15.08.170: Information To Be Obtained And Maintained
15.08.180: Alteration Of Watercourses
15.08.185: Additional Duties
15.08.190: Interpretation Of FIRM Boundaries
15.08.200: Appeal Board
15.08.205: Appeals Procedure
15.08.215: Provisions For Flood Hazard Reduction
15.08.220: Construction Standards Generally
15.08.230: Anchoring
15.08.240: Construction Materials And Methods
15.08.245: Elevation Requirements For Lowest Floor
15.08.250: Lowest Floor Certification Requirements
15.08.255: Nonresidential Floodproofing Requirements
15.08.260: Requirements For Areas Below The Lowest Floor
15.08.265: Standards For Utilities
15.08.270: Standards For Subdivisions
15.08.275: Standards For Critical Structures
15.08.280: Standards For Manufactured Homes
15.08.285: Standards For Recreational Vehicles
15.08.290: Floodways
15.08.300: Variance Procedures
15.08.310: Map Revision And Amendment Procedures
15.08.320: Encroachments
15.08.330: Violation; Penalties !2R!
The legislature of the state of Nevada in Nevada Revised Statutes 278.020, 244A.057, and 543.020 confers upon local government units authority to adopt regulations designed to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of its citizenry. Therefore, the Pershing County board of commissioners, in and for the political subdivision of Pershing County, Nevada, does hereby adopt the floodplain management regulations herein. This chapter shall be referred to as the FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE. (Ord. 266, 2009)
A. The flood hazard areas of the county are subject to periodic inundation which results in loss of life and property, health, and safety hazards, disruption of commerce and governmental services, extraordinary public expenditures for flood protection and relief, and impairment of the tax base, all of which adversely affect the public health, safety and general welfare.
B. These flood losses are caused by structures that are inadequately elevated, floodproofed, or protected from flood damage. The cumulative effects of obstructions in areas of special flood hazards, which increase flood heights and velocities, also contribute to flood losses. (Ord. 266, 2009)