Cable Communications
808.01   Short title.
808.02   Purposes.
808.03   Definitions.
808.04   Franchise required.
808.05   Franchise application; contents; fees; issuance; transfers.
808.06   Nonexclusive franchise; term; form.
808.07   Franchise fees; records.
808.08   Construction of facilities.
808.09   Standards of service.
808.10   Determination of rates and charges.
808.11   Free service to City buildings and libraries; emergencies.
808.12   Bond; insurance; nonliability of City.
808.13   Expiration, revocation, termination or surrender of franchise.
808.14   Time limit for construction.
808.15   Complaints; hearings; business office.
808.16   Interpretation of franchise.
808.17   Surrender of other franchises.
808.18   Reports; maps.
808.19   Rights of City.
808.20   Liability for damages.
808.21   Cable Communications Commission.
808.22   Definitions.
808.23   Purpose; implementation and interpretation.
808.24   Compliance with FCC Rules.
808.25   Filing of rate schedules or increases by operators; promulgation of rules and regulations by Council; additional information; proof of compliance with law.
808.26   Submission of proprietary information; confidentiality.
808.27   Public notice of rate schedules or increases; notice to operators of initial review by Council.
808.28   Effective date of rates; issuance of tolling orders by Council; submission of additional information by operators; public hearings; notice.
808.29   Reports to Council; written responses by operators.
808.30   Issuance of orders by Council.
808.31   Refunds to subscribers; notice.
808.32   Written decisions of Council; effective date; notice; mailing of copy to cable operator.
808.33   Promulgation of additional rules and regulations by Council.
808.34   Failure to give notice or to mail copies of reports.
808.35   Additional public hearings.
808.36   Additional powers of City.
808.37   Failure to comply; remedies; revocation or denial of renewal of consent agreements.
808.38   Conflict of laws.
808.99   Penalty.
   Franchises - see CHTR. Secs. 5.13 et seq.
   Public utilities - see CHTR. Ch. 7
   Construction and maintenance of facilities - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 247.183 et seq.
   Television and radio generally - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 484.301 et seq., 750.507 et seq.
   Cables improperly located; insurance - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 500.3123