As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
   (a)   "Cable Communications Commission" means a five member Commission established by the City to serve the City in the implementation and discharge of any designated functions the City might delegate pursuant to this chapter.
(Ord. 184. Passed 3-1-83.)
   (b)   "Cable communications company" means any person who owns, controls, operates or manages a cable communications system for the purpose of providing cable communications service to members of the public located in the City. "Cable communications company" shall not include:
      (1)   A telephone, telegraph or electric utility in a case where it merely leases or rents to a cable communications company utility pole contact space for the placing thereon of wire or cable facilities used in the distribution of television or other signals to the subscribers of such cable communications company; or
      (2)   A telephone or telegraph utility regulated by the State Public Service Commission or the Federal Communications Commission in a case where it merely provides communication channel service under published tariffs to a cable communications company for the distribution of television signals to the subscribers of such company.
   (c)   "Cable communications service" means the business, in whole or in part, of receiving, directly or indirectly, over the air, and amplifying or otherwise modifying, signals, transmitting programs broadcast by one or more signals, sound signals, pictures, visual images, digital signals, telemetry or any other type of closed circuit transmission by means of electrical or light impulses, whether or not directed to originating signals or receiving signals off the air, and redistributing such signals by wire, cable or other means to members of the public located in the City who pay for such service.
   (d)   "Cable communications system," "cable system," "cable television system," "CATV" or "system" means a system of coaxial cables or other conductors, antennae, transmitters, fixtures, converters, a distribution network, studios and other equipment used or to be used to originate or receive television or radio signals directly or indirectly off the air and to transmit them via cable to subscribers for a fixed or variable fee, including the origination, receipt, transmission and distribution of voices, sound signals, pictures, visual images, digital signals, telemetry or any other type of closed circuit transmission by means of electrical or light impulses, whether or not directed to originating signals or receiving signals off the air. However, such definition shall not include any separate system which serves only the residents of one or more apartment dwellings under common ownership, control or management, and commercial establishments located on the premises of such dwellings, upon approval of the City Engineer.
   (e)   "Franchisee" means a person to whom a license has been issued pursuant to this chapter.
   (f)   "Local gross revenues" means all gross revenues of the franchisee derived from cable services in the City, including installation fees, disconnect and reconnect fees, fees for transmission of broadcast signals and access and origination channels and revenue derived from per-program or per-channel charges, leased channel charges and advertising revenues.
   (g)   "Local gross subscriber revenues" means all gross revenues of the franchisee derived from subscribers as computed in subsection (f) hereof, but does not include revenues from such sources as, but not limited to, advertising studio and equipment rental and engineering services not connected with subscriber service.
(Ord. 175. Passed 7-21-81.)