(a)   Any person granted a franchise pursuant to this chapter shall commence construction or installation of its cable communications system within sixty days after issuance of a certificate of compliance by the Federal Communications Commission, if such a certificate is required, otherwise within sixty days after execution of the franchise agreement. Construction or installation of such cable communications system shall be completed within eighteen months after the execution of the franchise agreement or after the issuance of a certificate of compliance by the Federal Communications Commission, if such certificate is required.
   (b)   Any person granted such a franchise shall complete construction within such areas and within such periods as are designated in the franchise agreement. Any such person who is unable to construct according to this section for good cause shall notify Council, in writing, within thirty days of the occurrence of any delay or interruption of construction of more than fifteen working days duration, which interruption or delay would affect its inability to construct according to schedule. (Ord. 175. Passed 7-21-81.)