Nuisances on Private Property
93.01 Definition
93.02 Duty of maintenance of private property
93.03 Enforcement
93.20 Depositing of litter prohibited
93.21 Vehicles to be covered
93.35 Weeds declared a nuisance
93.36 Height
93.37 Barberry bushes
93.38 Removal; notices
93.39 Abatement
93.40 Lien
Insect Infestation
93.50 Infestation
93.51 Owner responsible for extermination
93.52 Occupant notification of infestation to structure owner
Vacant Buildings
93.60 Vacant buildings
93.61 Nuisance abatement
93.62 Charges for nuisance abatement; lien
93.63 Severability
93.99 Penalty