660.01 Venting of heaters and burners.
660.02 Spreading contagion.
660.03 Reserved for future legislation.
660.04 Noxious odors; filthy accumulations; polluting and diverting watercourses.
660.05 Duty to keep sidewalks and parking lots in repair and clean; ice and snow.
660.06 Abandoned refrigerators and airtight containers.
660.07 Snow removal.
660.08 Purchase, use or possession of harmful intoxicant. (Repealed)
660.09 Possession of barbiturates or amphetamines. (Repealed)
660.10 Purchase, use or possession of hallucinogen or marijuana. (Repealed)
660.11 Possession, sale and disposal of hypodermics. (Repealed)
660.12 Reserved for future legislation.
660.13 Notice to fill lots, remove putrid substances.
660.14 Fences.
660.15 Littering and deposit of garbage, rubbish, junk, etc.
660.16 Spitting.
660.17 Emission of dense smoke.
660.18 Model airplanes.
660.19 Driving golf balls.
660.20 Sales of frozen desserts from vehicles.
660.21 Barricades and warning lights; abandoned excavations.
660.22 Sidewalk obstructions; damage or injury of sidewalks, streets.
660.23 Trimming of trees; shrubbery.
See section histories for similar State law
Excavation liability - see Ohio R.C. 723.49 et seq.
Nuisances - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3767
Willfully leaving vehicles on private or public property - see TRAF. 303.09
Placing injurious material or obstruction in street - see TRAF. 311.01
Littering from motor vehicles - see TRAF. 331.42
Safety and equipment for motor vehicles - see TRAF. Ch. 337
Loads dropping or leaking; tracking mud; removal required - see TRAF. 339.08
Rabies quarantine - see GEN. OFF. 618.11
Placing harmful substance or objects in food or confection - see GEN. OFF. 636.15
Riot - see GEN. OFF. 648.01 et seq.
Inducing panic - see GEN. OFF. 648.08
Weapons and explosives - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 672
Weeds - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 678
(a) The use of a brazier, salamander, space heater, room heater, furnace, water heater, or other burner or heater using wood, coal, coke, fuel oil, kerosene, gasoline, natural gas, liquid petroleum gas or similar fuel, and tending to give off carbon monoxide or other harmful gases must comply with the following provisions;
(1) When used in living quarters, or in any enclosed building or space in which persons are usually present, shall be used with a flue or vent so designed, installed, and maintained as to vent the products of combustion outdoors; except in storage, factory, or industrial buildings which are provided with sufficient ventilation to avoid the danger of carbon monoxide poisoning.
(2) When used as a portable or temporary burner or heater at a construction site, or in a warehouse, shed, or structure in which persons are temporarily present, shall be vented as provided in division (a)(1) or used with sufficient ventilation to avoid the danger of carbon monoxide poisoning.
(b) This section does not apply to domestic ranges, laundry stoves, gas logs installed in a fireplace with an adequate flue, or hot plates, unless the same are used as space or room heaters.
(c) No person shall negligently use, or, being the owner, person in charge, or occupant of premises, negligently permit the use of a burner or heater in violation of the standards for venting and ventilation provided in this section.
(d) Division (a) above does not apply to any kerosene-fired space or room heater that is equipped with an automatic extinguishing tip-over device, or to any natural gas-fired or liquid petroleum gas-fired space or room heater that is equipped with an oxygen depletion safety shut-off system, and that has its fuel piped from a source outside the building in which it is located, that are approved by an authoritative source recognized by the State Fire Marshal in the State Fire Code adopted by him or her under Ohio R.C. 3737.82.
(e) The State Fire Marshal may make rules to ensure the safe use of unvented kerosene, natural gas, or liquid petroleum gas heaters exempted from division (a) above when used in assembly buildings, business buildings, high hazard buildings, institutional buildings, mercantile buildings, and type R-1 and R-2 residential buildings, as these groups of buildings are defined in rules adopted by the Board of Building Standards under Ohio R.C. 3781.10. No person shall negligently use, or, being the owner, person in charge or occupant of premises, negligently permit the use of a heater in violation of any rules adopted under this division.
(f) The State Fire Marshal may make rules prescribing standards for written instructions containing ventilation requirements and warning of any potential fire hazards that may occur in using a kerosene, natural gas, or liquid petroleum gas heater. No person shall sell or offer for sale any kerosene, natural gas, or liquid petroleum gas heater unless the manufacturer provides with the heater written instructions that comply with any rules adopted under this division.
(g) No product labeled as a fuel additive for kerosene heaters and having a flash point below 100°F or 37.8°C shall be sold, offered for sale, or used in any kerosene space heater.
(h) No device that prohibits any safety feature on a kerosene, natural gas, or liquid petroleum gas space heater from operating shall be sold, offered for sale, or used in connection with any kerosene, natural gas, or liquid petroleum gas space heater.
(i) No person shall sell or offer for sale any kerosene-fired, natural gas, or liquid petroleum gas-fired heater that is not exempt from division (a) above, unless it is marked conspicuously by the manufacturer on the container with the phrase “Not Approved For Home Use.”
(j) No person shall use a cabinet-type, liquid petroleum gas-fired heater having a fuel source within the heater, inside any building, except as permitted by the State Fire Marshal in the State Fire Code adopted by him or her under Ohio R.C. 3737.82.
(ORC 3701.82)
(k) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(ORC 3701.99(B))
(a) No person, knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that the person has a dangerous, contagious disease, shall knowingly fail to take reasonable measures to prevent exposing self to other persons, except when seeking medical aid.
(b) No person, having charge or care of a person whom the person having charge or care knows or has reasonable cause to believe has a dangerous, contagious disease, shall recklessly fail to take reasonable measures to protect others from exposure to the contagion, and to inform health authorities of the existence of the contagion.
(c) No person, having charge of a public conveyance or place of public accommodation, amusement, resort, or trade, and knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that persons using such conveyance or place have been or are being exposed to a dangerous, contagious disease, shall negligently fail to take reasonable measures to protect the public from exposure to the contagion, and to inform health authorities of the existence of the contagion.
(ORC 3701.81)
(d) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree.
(ORC 3701.99(C))
(a) No person shall erect, continue to use, or maintain a building, structure, or place for the exercise of a trade, employment, or business or for keeping or feeding an animal which, by occasioning noxious exhalations or noisome or offensive smells, becomes injurious to the health, comfort, or property of individuals or of the public.
(b) No person shall cause or allow offal, filth, or noisome substances to be collected or remain in any place to the damage or prejudice of others or of the public.
(c) No person shall unlawfully obstruct or impede the passage of a navigable river, harbor, or collection of water, or corrupt or render unwholesome or impure a watercourse, stream of water, or unlawfully divert such watercourse from its natural course or state to the injury or prejudice of others.
(d) Persons who are engaged in agriculture-related activities, as “agriculture” is defined in Ohio R.C. 519.01, and who are conducting those activities outside the Municipality, in accordance with generally accepted agricultural practices, and in such a manner so as not to have a substantial, adverse effect on the public health, safety, or welfare, are exempt from divisions (a) and (b) above and from any ordinances, resolutions, rules, or other enactments of the Municipality that prohibit excessive noise.
(ORC 3767.13)
(e) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.
(ORC 3767.99(C))