The following activities occurring on residential or commercial property within the City of Parma Heights, and engaged in by an owner, occupant or invitee of the owner, occupant or person in charge of commercial (including retail, restaurant and liquor establishments) or residential property (including individual apartment and condominium units), are declared to be public nuisances:
(a) Any animal violations under Chapter 618 to include: dogs running at large, animal odors, biting, and noise, dangerous dogs, vicious dogs, killing or injuring animals, cruelty to animals of the Codified Ordinances (or similar state offense).
(b) Any disorderly conduct, disturbance of the peace or other violation of Chapter 648 (or similar state offense).
(c) Any drug abuse violation under Chapter 620 (or similar state offense).
(d) Any gambling violation under Chapter 624 (or similar state offense).
(e) Any health, safety, or sanitation violation under Chapter 660 (or similar state offense).
(f) Any obstruction of official business violation under Chapter 606 (or similar state offense).
(g) Any alcohol violations under Chapter 612 (or similar state offense).
(h) Any sex offenses under Chapter 666 to include: public indecency, procuring, soliciting, or prostitution of the Codified Ordinances (or similar state offense).
(i) Any offense against another person under Chapter 636 to include assault, negligent assault, aggravated menacing, menacing, and Chapter 630 to include: endangering children, contributing to the unruliness and delinquency and Section 606.37, Misuse of 9-1-1 (or similar state offense). This does NOT include domestic violence or incidents under similar ordinance, as its intention is not to penalize the victim of such acts.
(j) Any offense against property under Chapter 642 to include: criminal damaging or endangering or criminal mischief of the Codified Ordinances ( or similar state offense).
(k) Any littering or deposition of waste under Chapter 660.
(l) Any theft violation under Chapter 642 petty theft, unauthorized use of property, receiving stolen property or Section 672.16, Criminal tools (or similar state offense).
(m) Any weapons, explosives, firearm or handgun violation under Chapters 672 (or similar state offense).
(n) Any noise violation under Chapter 648 (or similar state offense).
(o) Any fireworks violation under Chapter 672 (or similar state offense).
(Ord. 2021-20. Passed 6-28-21.)
(a) The Chief of Police or his designee, upon finding that one or more nuisance activities, as defined in Section 680.01, have occurred within any 12 month period at or within 300 feet of a dwelling containing a rental unit, as defined in the Housing Code, or within the defined confines of any business establishment within the City limits may serve a written warning letter to the residential property owner, business property owner and/or lessee, and/or business operator of the property/business declaring that such property/business may be declared a nuisance property if a second or additional nuisance activities occur at or within 300 feet of the property within any 12 months of the most recent period.
(b) The Chief of Police or his designee, upon finding that two or more nuisance activities declared in this chapter have occurred within any 12-month period at or within 300 feet of any residential property/business, may cause a written notice and order to be served on the owner of the property owner/operator of the business declaring that such property/business is a nuisance property. The notice and order shall set forth the nature of the nuisances, the estimated costs to abate any future nuisance, and state that the owner may avoid being charged the costs of abatement by taking steps to prevent any further nuisance activity as set forth in this section.
(c) The notice or warning letters shall be served by delivering it personally, leaving it at the person's usual place of business or residence, by posting it in a conspicuous place on the property involved or by mailing it to the person by regular U.S. mail.
(Ord. 2021-20. Passed 6-28-21.)