Off-Street Parking and Loading Facilities
   EDITOR'S NOTE: Chapter 1197, formerly a codification of Ordinances 42-55, passed February 21, 1955, and 95-69, passed September 2, 1969, was re-enacted in its entirety by Ordinance 254-91, passed December 16, 1991.
1197.01   Purposes.
1197.02   Parking facilities required.
1197.025   Americans with Disabilities Act requirements.
1197.03   Unobstructed continuation of facilities; automobile sales or repair; facility size reduction.
1197.04   Definitions; measurement standards.
1197.05   Schedule of required parking.
1197.06   Combined use of facilities.
1197.07   Location of facilities.
1197.08   Access driveways.
1197.09   Surface construction; improvements; grading; drainage plans; curbs.
1197.10   Lighting of parking areas.
1197.105   Maintenance of parking areas.
1197.11   Loading and unloading facilities.
1197.115   Drive-through facilities.
1197.12   Approval of plans.
1197.13   Required trash collection areas.
1197.14   Permit application; space requirements; design standards.
1197.15   Painting of obstructions.
   Municipal off-street parking - see Ohio R.C. 717.05, 717.06
   Zoning definitions - see P. & Z. Ch. 1121
   Parking space defined - see P. & Z. 1121.36
   Single-Family Cluster District parking and loading - see P. & Z. 1156.09
   Research Manufacturing Districts, off-street parking and loading - see P. & Z. 1175.07, 1175.08
   Construction of parking lots and driveways; permit; specifications - see BLDG. 1529.29, 1529.30
   Parking lots in Industrial Districts - see BLDG. 1529.31