EDITOR'S NOTE: Ordinance 226-84, passed November 19, 1984, authorized the Mayor to contract with the Board of County Commissioners to provide payment for the services of legal representation for indigent persons charged with violations of State statutes. Ordinance 225-84, passed November 19, 1984, provided for the creation of an Indigent Persons - Special Fund Account to compensate attorneys under the City's indigent representation program. Copies of these ordinances may be obtained, at cost, from the Clerk of Council.
179.01 Composition.
179.02 Satisfaction of fines and costs.
179.03 Representation of indigent defendants.
179.04 Justice Center Fund.
179.05 Juvenile Diversion Program Fund.
Release of Court Clerk's liability for loss of funds - see Ohio R.C. 131.18 et seq.
Bond for Court Clerk required - see Ohio R.C. 1901.31(D)
Power to establish schedule of fees and costs - see Ohio R.C. 1901.26
Petty Cash Account for Clerk - see ADM. 131.01
Disobedience of court command; failure to appear - see GEN. OFF. 606.28
Using sham legal process - see GEN. OFF. 606.29