(a) The mayor, the vice-mayor, or the temporary presiding officer appointed by the mayor, shall take the chair at the time designated for the start of the meeting, and shall call the council to order. In the absence of the mayor and the vice-mayor, and failure of the mayor to appoint a temporary presiding officer, the city clerk or the assistant city clerk, shall call the council to order, whereupon a temporary presiding officer shall be elected by a majority of the council members present. Upon the arrival of the mayor or the vice-mayor, the temporary presiding officer shall relinquish the chair at the conclusion of the business then before the council.
(b) The presiding officer shall preserve strict order and decorum at all meetings of the council, announce the council's decision on all subjects and decide all questions of order, subject to any appeal to the council which may be permitted under the council's procedural rules. The presiding officer shall vote on all questions as other members of the council. In the absence of the mayor, the vice-mayor shall be the presiding officer of the council.
(c) In the event the vice-mayor is absent, the mayor shall have the right to name any member of the council to perform the duties of the presiding officer, but such substitution shall not extend beyond an adjournment, except as provided for in subsection (d) of this section.
(d) All ordinances, resolutions, and other such documents adopted and contracts approved by the council at a meeting shall be signed by the presiding officer of that meeting.
(Ord. 4692 § 1 (part), 2001)