151.01 Definitions
151.02 General operations
151.03 Conduct of public users
151.04 Aircraft operations; landings and takeoffs
151.05 Aircraft traffic and taxi patterns; procedures
151.06 Vehicle, bicycle, pedestrian traffic and parking
151.07 Safety
151.08 Commercial activities
151.09 Aircraft fees
151.10 Leases; special use permit; minimum standards
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. All definitions contained within the Federal Aviation Act, being 49 U.S.C. §§ 101 et seq., and all amendments thereto, and aeronautical provisions of the state statutes, are hereby incorporated by this reference.
AIRPORT. The areas comprising the City Municipal Airport as currently mapped or as may hereafter be expanded and developed, including all buildings, structures, hangars, parking areas, pedestrian walkways, ramp areas, apron areas, gates, taxiways, runways, run-up areas, amenities and undeveloped areas.
AIRPORT DIRECTOR. The City Manager of the City of Page or designee.
CITY. The municipality of the City of Page, Coconino County, Arizona, as governed by the Mayor and City Council.
COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY. The conduct of any business, concession, fixed base operation, fund raising or other revenue producing activity on the airport premises. Activities by non-profit organizations shall not be considered COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES.
COMMERCIAL OPERATOR. Any fixed base operator, FAR Part 135 Operator, FAR Part 121 Operator, air ambulance operator, flight instructor, mechanic or other operator engaged in a commercial activity or conduct on the airport.
FIXED BASE OPERATOR. A person, proprietorship, partnership or corporation which has a facility on the airport engaging in commercial activities including, as a minimum, fuel sales, aircraft maintenance and pilot services.
OPERATOR. Any person, proprietorship, partnership or corporation in possession of or operating an aircraft or vehicle.
OWNER. A person, proprietorship, partnership or corporation entitled to possession of an aircraft or vehicle by virtue of FAA registration, legal title or lease agreement.
PARK or PARKING. The standing of an aircraft or vehicle whether or not occupied.
PEDESTRIAN. Any person afoot.
PERMISSION or PERMIT. Permission granted by the City or Airport Director, unless otherwise herein provided.
USER. Any person, proprietorship, partnership or corporation, fixed base operator, vehicle operator, spectator, sightseer, lessee, invitee and the general public.
VEHICLE. A device in, upon or by which any person or property may be propelled, moved, carried or pulled, including aircraft and automobiles, but excluding a device moved by human power.
(1976 Code, § 14-1) (Ord. 552-09, passed 10-22-2009)
(A) Use of airport conditional; revocation of authority. Users shall comply with applicable federal, state and municipal laws, rules and regulations and the provisions of this chapter. The city or Airport Director may deny use of the airport to any user with just cause and with adequate notice.
(B) Control during emergencies. During an airport emergency, the Airport Director shall have absolute authority to control the airport subject to federal, state and local law and provisions of this chapter.
(C) City liability. The city shall not be liable for loss, injury or damage to airport users or their property resulting from the negligent acts or omissions of other users or from fire, vandalism, wind, flood, earthquake or other events outside the control of the city.
(D) Ejection. The Airport Director shall have the authority to eject from the airport premises any user who violates provisions of this chapter where a clear immediate hazard/danger to health and safety exists.
(E) Damage to airport property. Users responsible for, or causing damage to airport property shall be required to pay the city the costs of repairs. Users may be refused access to the airport until full remuneration has been received by the city.
(F) Accident reports. Users involved in vehicle accidents, causing bodily injury, damage to an aircraft or other damage in excess of $500, occurring at the airport shall make a full written report to the Airport Director as soon as possible after an accident. When a written report of an accident is required by the FAA, NTSB and/or the state, a copy of that report may be submitted to the Airport Director in lieu of the report required above.
(G) Removal of aircraft and vehicles causing a hazard. Aircraft or vehicles causing a clear safety hazard to airport users may be removed or relocated at the discretion of the Airport Director. Users may be charged a reasonable fee for service costs incurred in removing or relocating the vehicle or aircraft.
(H) Charitable events. Charitable events may be held on the airport without a special permit. The organization holding the event shall notify and obtain written permission from the airport manager a minimum of two weeks before the event.
(1976 Code, § 14-2) (Ord. 552-09, passed 10-22-2009)