Minor Subdivision Land Splits and Combinations
154.001 Purpose and intent
154.002 Land split or combination procedures and requirements
154.003 Pre-application conference
154.004 Land split or combination applications
Property Boundary Line Adjustments
154.015 Property boundary line adjustments
Major Subdivision Design Standards and Requirements
154.025 General requirements
154.026 Lot design
154.027 Street design
154.028 Alley, lane and easement design
154.029 Block design
Major Subdivision Minimum Improvements Required
154.040 In general
154.041 Minimum improvements required (specific and general)
Limited Modifications to Requirements
154.055 Limited modifications to requirements
Major Subdivision Approval Process
154.060 General approval process and procedures
154.061 Purpose and requirements of the preliminary plat
154.062 Purpose and requirements of the final plat
Construction Plan Submittal and As-Builts
154.075 Site construction plan review process and requirements
154.076 Building construction plan review process and requirements
154.077 Certificate of occupancy and temporary certificate of occupancy
154.078 As-built submittal requirements for the city and Page Utility Enterprises
Reversion of Subdivided Land
154.090 Purpose
154.091 Reversion request required
154.092 Notification and advertisement
154.093 Action by the City Council
154.094 Recording the survey/plat
Abandonment or Vacation of Public Right-of-Way
154.105 Purpose
154.106 Process and procedures
154.107 Effective date and recording vacation resolution and/or plat
154.108 Appeals
154.120 Annexation
Violations and Penalties
154.130 Violations and penalties
154.140 Appeal decision made by the Director
154.141 Appeal decision made by Board of Adjustment
Definition of Terms
154.155 Definition of terms