General Provisions
91.01 Title
91.02 Scope
91.03 Definitions
Property Maintenance Standards
91.15 Zoning Code
91.16 International Property Maintenance Code
91.17 Amendments to Property Maintenance Code
91.18 Inspections
91.30 Definition
91.31 Common law and statutory nuisances
91.32 Duty of maintenance of private property
91.33 Duty of maintenance of streets, sidewalks, drainage areas and public ways
91.34 Certain conditions declared as nuisance
91.50 Issuance of notice of violation or citation
91.51 Permit to repair does not extend compliance time
91.52 Required permit to demolish does not extend compliance time
91.53 City may correct violation
91.54 Lien, fines, charges and fees
91.55 Enforcement
91.99 Penalty