The selling of food and beverages via a mobile food unit within City property shall require license issued in accordance with title 4, chapter 12 of the City Code and approval of the Parks and Recreation Department, including payment of any fee as established by Section 3-1-2 of this code, and the following provisions:
   A.   Reservation or special event permit holders shall be responsible for this section to the mobile food vendor that will be catering the event. If the reservation permit holder does not have a preferred vendor selected at the time of making their reservation, they can contact Parks and Recreation staff at a later date to verify if their preferred vendor is permitted to vend food in City parks.
   B.   The applicant shall sign a Facility Usage Release and Indemnification Agreement, which must be submitted a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the event.
   C.   Vendors shall remit the required fee by contacting the Parks and Recreation Department.
   D.   The City reserves the right at the discretion of the parks and recreation department to deny any mobile food vender access to parks or other city property based on previously scheduled events, anticipated congestion and safety issues, or inadequate parking area.
   E.   Vendors will be provided with a day/event permit provided by the Parks and Recreation Department that shall be prominently displayed for the duration of the event. (Ord. 2022-11, 6-13-2022)