5-1-1: Purpose
5-1-2: Public Nuisance Defined
5-1-3: Public Nuisances Affecting Health
5-1-4: Public Nuisances Affecting Morals And Decency
5-1-5: Public Nuisances Affecting Peace And Safety
5-1-6: Storage Of Personalty
5-1-7: Hazardous Buildings
5-1-8: Noise
5-1-9: Consumption, Possession Of Alcoholic Beverages In Public
5-1-10: Enforcement Officials
5-1-11: Abatement Procedures
5-1-12: Cost Recovery
5-1-13: Misdemeanor Violations; Penalties
The purpose of this chapter is to protect the general health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City by prohibiting the occurrence and maintenance of public nuisances and eliminating junk and blight within the City. This chapter allows for the abatement of public nuisances and provides penalties for and remedies against those causing or maintaining a public nuisance. (Prior Code § 5-8-1 #1)
A public nuisance is a thing, act or use of property which:
A. Maintains or permits a condition which unreasonably annoys, injures, or endangers the safety, health, morals, comfort, or repose of any considerable numbers of the public; or
B. Interferes with, obstructs, or renders dangerous for passage any public highway or right-of-way, or waters used by the public; or
C. Any other act or omission declared by law or this chapter to be a public nuisance. (Prior Code § 5-8-1 #2)
The following are hereby declared to be nuisances affecting health:
A. Exposed accumulation of decayed or unwholesome food or vegetable matter.
B. All animals running at large.
C. All ponds or pools of stagnant water.
D. Carcasses of animals not buried or destroyed within twenty four (24) hours after death.
E. Accumulation of manure, refuse, or other debris.
F. The discharge, disposal, accumulation, or collection of sewage or industrial waste without proper permit or approval.
G. Garbage cans or other refuse containers which are not rodent free or flytight or which are so maintained as to constitute a health hazard or to emit foul and disagreeable odors and which waste is not removed at least once a week.
H. The pollution of any public well or cistern, stream or lake, canal or other body of water by sewage, industrial waste, or any other substances.
I. All noxious weeds, as defined in Minnesota Statutes chapters 18.75 to 18.87, and other rank growths of vegetation, upon public or private property.
J. Burning in violation of chapter 4 of this title.
K. Dense smoke, noxious fumes, gas and soot or cinders in unreasonable quantities.
L. Any offensive trade or business as defined by either ordinance or State Statute or such trade or business whose operation constitutes a clear and present danger to the health of the public in general. (Prior Code § 5-8-2; amd. 2018 Code)