No person shall take or allow to be taken upon any City park or trail any animal except as provided by this chapter.
A. Restraint: The domestic animal shall be under physical restraint on a leash or using an electronic remote collar and accompanied by and under the control and direction of a responsible person and not permitted to run at large at any time within any City park or trail unless within an area specifically designated by the City Council for off leash activities.
B. Female Animal In Heat: Any female domestic animal in heat or season shall be prohibited from any City park or trail.
C. Excrement Removal: Any person having custody of the domestic animal shall have in his immediate physical possession a means to collect and sanitarily dispose of and shall immediately collect and remove any and all feces deposited by the domestic animal within any City park or trail.
D. Horses: Horses shall only be allowed upon City parks and trails specifically designated for such use by the City Council. Any person having custody of the domestic animal shall have in his immediate physical possession a means to collect and sanitarily dispose of any and all animal fecal matter and shall immediately collect and remove any and all feces deposited by the horse within any City park or trail.
E. Dog Parks: Fenced areas within parks designated as "dog parks" for off leash recreation shall be subject to the rules of this chapter and the following additional provisions:
1. Persons and dogs entering the dog park do so at their own risk. The City shall not be liable for any claim, demand, injury, damage, action, or causes of action whatsoever to such persons, dogs, or property due to the negligence or failure to act of the City.
2. Dangerous or potentially dangerous dogs, as defined by Wright County ordinance, shall be prohibited from entering the dog park. (Prior Code § 6-7-5)
3. Dogs must be at least four (4) months of age to be within any City park or trail. (Prior Code § 6-7-5; amd. 2018 Code)