7-1-1: Speed Limits
7-1-2: Unreasonable Acceleration
7-1-3: Erratic Driving
7-1-4: Engine Braking
7-1-5: Petty Misdemeanor Violation; Penalties
   A.   General: Speed limits on City streets shall be established in accordance with Minnesota Statues 169.14 unless otherwise posted as provided for in this Section.
   B.   Posted Limits: In accordance with Minnesota Statutes 169.14, Subd. 5h, the City Engineer has completed a study adopted by the City Council that provides for posting the following speed limits on City streets.
      1.   Speed Limits Established:
         a.   Forty Five (45) miles per hour for the following streets:
            (1)   Kadler Avenue between 80th Street and 95th Street (CSAH 39)
            (2)   Mason Avenue between 83rd Street and 95th Street (CSAH 39)
            (3)   Packard Avenue between 60th Street and 70th Street (CSAH 39)
            (4)   70th Street between LaBeaux Avenue (CSAH 19) and 77th Street
            (5)   83rd Street between Mason Avenue and Nashua Avenue
         b.   Forty (40) miles per hour for the following streets:
            (1)   Kadler Avenue between 70th Street and 80th Street
            (2)   MacIver Avenue between 60th Street (CR 137) and 85th Street
            (3)   Nashua Avenue between 85th Street and 95th Street (CSAH 39)
            (4)   Odean Avenue between 70th Street (CSAH 38) and 95th Street (CSAH 39)
            (5)    Page Avenue between 78th Street and 85th Street
            (6)   Quaday Avenue between 70th Street (CSAH 38) and River Road (CSAH 42)
            (7)   Queens Avenue between 53rd Street (CSAH 36) and 70th Street (CSAH 38)
            (8)   75th Street between Ochoa Avenue and 76th Street
            (9)   78th Street between 76th Street and Quaday Avenue
            (10)   85th Street between Nashua Avenue and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42)
            (11)   Randolph Ave between 53rd Street (CSAH 36) and 60th Street
         c.   Thirty (30) miles per hour for the following streets:
            (1)   All industrial/commercial minor collector streets designated by the Transportation Plan
            (2)   Kadler Avenue between 95th Street (CSAH 39) to 101st Street
            (3)   Kittredge Parkway between 70th Street and the west terminus of Kittredge Parkway
            (4)   Kalland Avenue between 70th Street and the north terminus of Kalland Avenue
            (5)   Page Avenue between 85th Street and 90th Street (CSAH 39)
            (6)    80th Street between LaBeaux Avenue (CSAH 19) and MacIver Avenue
         d.   Twenty five (25) miles per hour:
            (1)   All local residential streets defined by the Comprehensive Plan
      2.   Speed limits as set forth by this Section shall be posted by the Public Works Department abutting the sections of street to which applicable the speed limit is to be established as prescribed by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices adopted by the commissioner of transportation pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 169.06.
      3.   The location and boundaries of the speed limits established by this section shall be set forth on a map entitled “Otsego Streets Speed Zone Map” with said map to be kept on file with the City Clerk and published on the City website.
   C.   School Zones: A school speed limit within a school zone of a public or nonpublic is hereby established for City streets in accordance Minnesota Statues 169.14, Subd. 5a and the following provisions:
      1.   Such school speed limits shall be in effect when children are present, going to or leaving school during opening or closing hours or during school recess periods.
      2.   The school speed limit shall be twenty (25) miles per hour.
      3.   The school speed limit shall be effective upon the erection of appropriate signs designating the speed and indicating the beginning and end of the reduced speed zone.
      4.   For the purpose of this section, “school zone” means that section of a street that abuts the grounds of a public or private school where children have access to the street or highway from the school property or where an established school crossing is located provided the school advance sign prescribed by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices adopted by the commissioner of transportation pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 169.06 is in place. (Ord. 2020-09, 5-11-2020; amd. Ord. 2022-04, 4-11-2022)
   A.   Definition: Unreasonable acceleration of a motor vehicle is hereby defined as acceleration which unnecessarily breaks the traction between a tire or tires of a motor vehicle and the driving surface, thereby causing squealing or screeching sounds by the motor vehicle's tire or tires or the unnecessary throwing of sand or gravel by the tires of said vehicle, or both.
   B.   Prohibitions: No person shall start or accelerate any motor vehicle with an unnecessary exhibition of speed on any public highway, street, road, parking lot, alley, or other public property, or upon any private street or road freely used by the general public. (Ord. 2019-04, 2-11-2019; amd. Ord. 2020-09, 5-11-2020)