6-1-1: Policy And Purpose
6-1-2: Definitions
6-1-3: Emergency Management Organization Created
6-1-4: Director Of Emergency Management
6-1-5: Local Emergencies
6-1-6: Emergency Regulations
6-1-7: Emergency Management A Government Function
6-1-8: Participation In Labor Disputes Or Politics Prohibited
6-1-9: Cooperation With Other Agencies
6-1-10: Prohibited Conduct
6-1-11: Enforcement Officials
6-1-12: Continuity Of Operations
Major disasters such as severe weather, floods, health epidemics, train wrecks, plane crashes, explosions, accidental releases of hazardous materials, pipeline leaks, and enemy attack pose a potential threat to public health and safety in Otsego. In recognition of these threats, it is necessary to ensure that preparations of the City will be adequate to deal with the disasters and to provide for basic health and security, and preserve the lives and property of the people of the City, it is declared necessary:
A. To establish a City emergency management organization, whose responsibility it is to plan and prepare for emergency government operations.
B. To provide for the exercise of necessary powers during emergencies.
C. To provide for the exercise of mutual aid between the City and other political subdivisions with the goal of carrying out emergency preparedness functions.
D. To comply with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes chapter 12.
E. To participate as policing district of Wright County and a fire protection jurisdiction of the cities of Albertville, Elk River, and Rogers, and review and accept their emergency plans as the City's basic plan for responses to emergencies, disasters, mutual aid, and other projects, as prescribed within this chapter and Minnesota Statutes chapter 12. (Prior Code § 5-9-1; amd. Ord. 2020-10, 6-8-2020)
When used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section:
DISASTER: A situation that creates an actual or imminent serious threat to the health and safety of persons, or a situation that has resulted or is likely to result in catastrophic loss to property or the environment, and for which traditional sources of relief and assistance within the affected area are unable to repair or prevent the injury or loss.
EMERGENCY: An unforeseen combination of circumstances that calls for immediate action to prevent a disaster from developing or occurring.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: The preparation for and the carrying out of emergency functions, other than functions for which military forces are primarily responsible, to prevent, minimize and repair injury and damage resulting from disasters, from acute shortages of energy, or from incidents that pose radiological or other health hazards. These functions include, without limitation, firefighting services, police services, medical and health services, rescue, engineering, warning services, communications, radiological, chemical and other special weapons defense, evacuation of persons from stricken areas, emergency human services, emergency transportation, existing or properly assigned functions of plant protection, temporary restoration of public utility services, implementation of energy supply emergency conservation and allocation measures, and other functions related to civilian protection, together with all other activities necessary or incidental to preparing for and carrying out these functions.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT MUTUAL AID: Any disaster which requires the dispatching of City personnel, equipment or other necessary resources within or without the City limits.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION: The staff element responsible for coordinating City level planning and preparation for disaster response. This organization provides coordination with Federal, State and local jurisdictions relative to disaster preparedness activities, disasters, mutual aid and other projects consistent with Minnesota Statutes chapter 12 and assures implementation of Federal, State, County and other program requirements.
EMERGENCY RESPONSE PERSONNEL: An individual, organization, or team authorized by the State to supplement State or local resources for emergency response in a stricken area.
POLITICAL SUBDIVISION: A county, city, town, or commission organized and existing under Minnesota Statutes sections 473.601 to 473.679. (Prior Code § 5-9-2)