A.   Every officer and agency of the City shall cooperate with Federal and State authorities and with authorized agencies engaged in emergency management and emergency measures to the fullest possible extent consistent with the performance of their other duties. The provisions of this chapter and of all regulations made hereunder shall be subject to all applicable and controlling provisions of Federal and State laws and of regulations and orders issued thereunder and shall be deemed to be suspended and inoperative so far as there is any conflict therewith.
   B.   The County Sheriff may appoint any qualified person holding a position in any agency created under Federal or State authority for emergency management purposes as a special policing officer of the City, with such powers and duties within the City incident to the functions of the Sheriff's or deputy's position, not exceeding those of a regular Sheriff or deputy, as may be prescribed in the appointment. Every such police officer shall be subject to the supervision and control of the Sheriff and such other deputies of the County as the Sheriff may designate. (Prior Code § 5-9-8)