(A)   The owner or occupant of any household unit in the village, upon which shall accumulate any garbage, ashes, or household rubbish, shall provide or cause to provide and maintain clean and in good repair, separate receptacles for the following materials, construction, and capacity:
      (1)   Garbage receptacles shall be of galvanized metal, or durable plastic with a capacity of not less than ten gallons, or more than 35 gallons, and shall have close fitting, water-tight covers.
      (2)   Ash receptacles shall be of metal only, with a capacity of not less than ten gallons or more than 35 gallons, and shall have close fitting, water-tight covers.
      (3)   Rubbish and miscellaneous light rubbish receptacles shall be of metal, plastic container, or plastic bags with a capacity of not less than ten gallons or more than 35 gallons. Metal and plastic containers are to have close fitting, water-tight covers. Plastic bags shall have open end closed with string or tape or fasteners to avoid spillage and shall be strong enough material to hold contents therein.
      (4)   No receptacle will be required to hold such items as household appliances and furniture.
      (5)   As to refuse. Division (A)(3) and (4) shall be applicable.
   (B)   It shall be the duty of every occupant, whether owner or renter, to cause all garbage and nothing but garbage to be deposited in the receptacle provided for garbage; ashes and nothing but ashes to be deposited in the receptacle provided for ashes; and nothing but household rubbish to be deposited in the receptacle provided for household rubbish.
(Ord. 84-02, passed - -84) Penalty, see § 50.99