   The membership of the Planning Commission shall be as provided in Article XII, Section (a), of the City Charter.
(Ord. 1977-110. Passed 10-5-77; Ord. 98-114. Passed 9-1-98.)
1220.02 MEETINGS.
   The first meeting of the Planning Commission shall be deemed an organizational meeting and shall be held within a period of time, not to exceed sixty days, after a general Municipal election.
   At such organizational meeting the regular monthly meeting night of the Commission shall be established by majority vote and there shall be elected by the Commission one member to serve as Chairperson and a second member to serve as Vice-Chairperson. All such actions of the Commission shall be incorporated as part of the minutes of the meeting. Special meetings of the Commission, as required, may be called by the Chairperson, or in his or her absence by the Vice-Chairperson, upon written notice to be delivered to each member personally, or left at his or her usual place of residence, and in compliance with Chapter 212 of the Administration Code.
(Ord. 1977-110. Passed 10-5-77; Ord. 98-114. Passed 9-1-98.)
   A record of the current membership of the Planning Commission shall be maintained by the Secretary of the Commission, and such record of membership shall be made available to other Municipal departments when requested or required to be done.
(Ord. 1977-110. Passed 10-5-77; Ord. 98-114. Passed 9-1-98.)
   The Building Commissioner and the City Engineer, or their delegates, shall be in attendance at all meetings of the Planning Commission, whether such meetings are regular, special or continued, to serve in an advisory capacity, but they shall not exercise or possess any voting rights.
(Ord. 1977-110. Passed 10-5-77; Ord. 98-114. Passed 9-1-98.)
1220.05 QUORUM.
   A quorum of the Planning Commission is a majority of the members of the Commission.
(Ord. 1977-110. Passed 10-5-77; Ord. 98-114. Passed 9-1-98.)
   The Planning Commission shall hold public hearings on the followings matters:
   (a)   Zoning changes;
   (b)   Zoning Code amendments;
   (c)   Subdivision Regulation amendments;
   (d)   Operations and/or public improvements which might be disruptive to the community peace, health, safety and welfare; and
   (e)   Matters which are determined by Council, or by proper City officials hereinafter designated, to be of general or vital interest to the entire community.
   While applications for the location of a utility do not require a mandatory public hearing, the Building Commissioner shall forthwith, upon the issuance of any permit for such purpose, give written notice thereof to all property owners within a 500-foot radius of the site of the proposed utility.
(Ord. 1977-110. Passed 10-5-77; Ord. 98-114. Passed 9-1-98; Ord. 10-131. Passed 6-7-11.)
   The Chairperson of the Planning Commission shall determine what matters shall be presented for public hearings if the same are not clearly defined and enumerated in either the City Charter, City ordinances, City codes or State law.
(Ord. 1977-110. Passed 10-5-77; Ord. 98-114. Passed 9-1-98.)
   The Planning Commission shall have jurisdiction over any plan, process or related matter affecting the use of land. All final decisions on such matters shall be reserved exclusively to that body specified in the City Charter or by ordinance.
(Ord. 1977-110. Passed 10-5-77; Ord. 98-114. Passed 9-1-98.)
1220.09 REFERRALS.
   All industrial, commercial and/or multifamily dwelling development proposals shall be referred to the Planning Commission for its review, advice and recommendations. This requirement shall affect both new construction and alterations or additions to existing buildings of these types.
(Ord. 1977-110. Passed 10-5-77; Ord. 98-114. Passed 9-1-98; Ord. 13-152. Passed 2-4-14.)
   The following information shall be submitted to the Planning Commission in connection with proposals specified in Section 1220.09 and in connection with those items of the Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations of the City Ordinance which are subject to review and/or action of the Planning Commission;
   (a)   The site plan, which shall include and show the following information, in addition to the information required by other sections of the Planning and Zoning Code and adherence with the Zoning Map:
      (1)   The name and address of the property owner;
      (2)   The permanent parcel number and address of the site;
      (3)   The name and address of the architect, engineer, surveyor or contractor, whichever is applicable;
      (4)   A scale, preferably of 20 feet - 30 feet = 1 inch. However, scales of 1/16 inch = 1 foot, 1/8 inch = 1 foot and 10 feet = 1 inch are acceptable.
      (5)   A north arrow;
      (8)   All existing construction and development, including roads, walks, utilities, grading, etc.;
      (7)   The location of walks, drives, roads and buildings on all adjacent parcels; and
      (8)   The proposed new construction, including, but not limited to, walks, drives, parking, setback and yard requirements, utilities, buildings, planting, fencing, relationships to natural features, etc.;
   (b)   The elevations of proposed buildings, showing materials, openings, etc.;
   (c)   The floor plan, showing all openings. This may be part of the site plan, and a copy shall be attached to the building permit application.
   (d)   Topography at a minimum of two-foot intervals; and
   (e)   Nine copies of the site plan.
(Ord. 1977-110. Passed 10-5-77; Ord. 98-114. Passed 9-1-98; Ord. 13-152. Passed 2-4-14.)